Chapter 1 [✔]

450 15 13

Edited 30.06.2016

This chapter takes place in the day before the epilogue of Book of Iron.

Might be errors. Sorry not sorry!

Happy reading!

Levy's P.O.V.

I woke up in... not my room. I felt something heavy on my waist and I looked down. I was surprised to see a studded arm around me. I fallowed the arms and saw it being attached to the most amazing and hot person in the whole world - Gajeel Redfox. I smiled and turned around in his arms. He stirred a bit when I moved closer to him. I moved my hands up and down his rock hard chest and arms. I couldn't believe that a man so hot was my boyfriend. I squeezed his muscles and smiled to myself.

"Like what you see?" he asked in his sexy morning voice. Nothing sounded sexier than his morning voice.

"I like what I hear better." Being with Gajeel even for a month has made me a bit more confidant. Gajeel smirked and pulled me closer if it was even possible. His hand slid down to my ass and gave it a little squeeze. I jumped in surprise and giggled. I inched my head closer to Gajeels and kissed him. I felt the usual butterflies in my stomach. It just felt like a light had filled my every corner of my body.

Before I knew it I was on top of Gajeel and his tongue was in my mouth. I slid my hands in his silk like hair. I felt one of his hands on my back and the other slowly sliding down to my ass.

"This is so much worse than when I caught you the first time." I jumped off of Gajeel and saw Lily standing next to us in bed. I guess we were focused so much on the makeout session that we didn't hear Lily coming in. Gajeel groaned at the sight if his fammiliar while I took Lily in my arms and started to pet him. He nuzzled deeper in my arms when I scratched under his chin.

"What do you want, cat," Gajeel asked and Lily glared at him.

"We're out of kiwis."

"Come on. I'll get you some." I said smiling down at Lily. He nodded, I put him down and got out of bed in search of my clothes. I blushed at the thought of yesterday. To think yesterday I slept with Gajeel for the first time. It's not like I lost my virginity it's just that sleeping with Gajeel felt different than my first time.

"Why can't I be your companion?" Lily asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Because," I said walking towards the bed "the big bad Gajeel need a buddy to keep him company." I said pinching his cheek. Knowing that Gajeel would want to grab me I moved back and saw my underwear and quickly pulled it on. (Just so you know she wasn't naked. After they slept together Levy put on Gajeels shirt.) I looked around but I couldn't find my bra. Not that I REALLY needed it.

"That is why I have you. And last night was fun." I blushed at his words and gave up on my search.

"Yes, but I won't be here forever." I sad and looked at him. I could see fear and sadness in his eyes.

"You are leaving me?" He asked hurt. I saw Lily crawling besides him trying to comfort him. I felt bad for what I said so I walked to him and kisses him.

"I just have to get Lily kiwis so that be doesn't tell anyone our little secret." I whispered in his ear but I guess Lily heard me cause he jumped up at the words kiwis.

"Fine. Go get my cat kiwis and then leave him in the market. I want to play with you." Gajeel said and I got off of him smiling. Lily ran first out of the bedroom and I slowly fallowed. "Hey!" He called after me and I turned around. In his hand was my bra. "You need this?"

"It'll just get in the way later." I said shaking my head. Gajeel smirked and I walked to the door. Lily already was waiting at the door and smiled at me knowing when I came up to him. Ignoring him I just put my shoes on, picked up Lily and in just Gajeels shirt and underwear walked to the market.

Gajeel's P.O.V.

As soon as Levy and Lily walked out of the house I jumped out of bed and got dressed. I walked out if the house locking the doors behind me. I was on my way to get Levy something special when I heard a scream. Not just any scream. Levys scream.

I ran through the ally and saw Lily on the ground and Levy being held up by some guy. Anger ran through me like wildfire. I stomped through the small crowd that was forming around them and stood my ground.

"Hey!" I yelled. Everyone just looked at me but the only person I could look at was the guy and his friend. "Let my girlfriend down." I said in a low voice.

"Or what? You'll stare me to death?" he asked and all his two friend laughed.

"No. I'll beat you to death." I said and formed my arm in to an iron club and hit him in the face. He fell to he ground dropping Levy. I ran to her letting his friends run away not really caring about them. "Hey, baby. You okay?" I asked once I lifted her up from the ground. She groaned and rubbed her but.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay." she said and picked up Lily who was slowly waking up.

"How did this happen?" I asked as we walked away from the crowd which was slowly fading.

"We were on our way home when Lily was knocked out and the guy picked me up. Then you showed up and you know what happened next." she smiled at me. At that moment I really didn't care about how it happened I just was happy that Levy was save. I bend down and kissed her lips. She kissed me back standing on her tippy toes. Suddenly she pulled back.

"What?" I asked worried.

"Lilys kiwis." she said and looked at Lily who was asleep in her arms.

"I'll get them. You go home. Rest." she nodded, pecked my lips and went home. I watched her as she went home and then went back to the market.

Levy's P.O.V.

I tucked Lily back in his bed and walked out of his room. I walked in the living room and sat on the couch.

I guess I fell asleep cause I woke up to Gajeel shaking me awake.

"Hey, baby." I blushed at his words. "I got you something." he said sitting next to me and I put my legs in his lap. Gajeel reached in his pocket and pulled out a box. I pulled my legs out of his lap.

Is he going to propose me? If he is what will I say? Sure, I love him, but I haven't told him that. But do I have to tell him? He knows I love him and I know he loves me.

"Don't worry I won't propose." he said nervously.

"Okay." I felt relieved. It's not that I don't love him it's just that it would be too early.

"I saw this in the window and I thought you would like it." he said and gave me the box. With shaky hands I took it and opened it. My jaw hung open.

In the box was a silver necklace with a small dragon. I smiled and tok it and opened it. Without saying anything Gajeel took the necklace while I turned around and let him put it on me. It was long enough that it fell in my shirt and reached passed my chest. I turned around, kissed him and hugged him.

"I love you." These words just escaped my mouth. I felt him tense but when his arms wrapped around me he slowly relaxed.

"I love you too."

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