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Mornings, something Kiva despised—less now—sweating even though it was cold out. Scowling at the proud man in front of her, silently cursing him every fowl name she could think of.

"My gods sweet cheeks, it's like I can hear your thoughts" the prince gave a cheeky grin.

Kiva frowned deeper, "I shouldn't be sweating it's cold out that-that doesn't make any sense."

Being returned to full health was a blessing, her curves full, muscles building from her daily work out."you're wearing a tank top sunshine, and when we're you planning to tell me about that scar on your shoulder?" Kiva stilled completely forgetting about the notable burn scar, the nightmare that came to her forefront made her shiver.

"Cal, it's in the past-" the man in question wasn't going to let it go " I'm guessing it's from when Navok tortured you."

His words unyielding, Kiva took a deep breath shaking her head, tossing Caldon a blade. "Enough chit chat, let's finish this match." Giving him a smile, readying her stance. Caldon copied her motion before lunching forward, which she effortlessly dodged, swinging left, he met that attack with his own sword. The sound of metal clashing met Kiva's ears.Caldon tried to take her wince as a chance to a strike in her. Kiva made a quick move blocking his attack.

"You're getting good" She huffed, training daily for a few hours was paying up, Kiva was able to fight with a blade, all thanks to Caldon. Ever since that battle at the river palace he made a promise that he would build a warrior out of Kiva, and here she was clashing blades with him.

"I'm only this good because you worked hours on my limp, weak body" Caldon chuckled, pushing his weight onto her, stumbling backward she lost her footing.He took it as a opportunity to push her down. "My win" pulling herself back to her feet, Kiva gave him a good shove making him stumble "even Cal"

All the trainees were clapping in awe at the small, quick battle that the two just had. Kiva turned her head to Caldon with a questioning look, " why are the trainees on the palace grounds?" Caldon looked at the group of young guards to be, "well, since they are at the end of their course  moving them here was more ideal." Kiva knew there was more to it, so she gave him a look telling that much "And all of them were curious to see if it was true that the Corantine princess herself lived in the palace."

She only rolled her eyes, remembering that the royal court decided that she was royalty by blood and shall be addressed as such. Lady Corantine or princess were the titles given. "Well, well, so this is the Corantine heir, I'm surprised they let you live."

A trainee stepped forward he had sun kissed skin, dark chocolate hair, and grey eyes. Kiva had never seen him. "Why would we kill the woman that saved the crowned prince, hell even this kingdom." Caldon was protective of kiva, she was like his family, he wasn't going to let a trainee talk down to someone he cares deeply about. "And who might you be, defending the rebel princess?" How did he not know, near by guards were horror struck by who this young man was challange, only a fool would do such a thing. Caldon gave a low chuckle before bowing "Caldon Vallintias in your presence." The man didn't faze, un afraid. "Well you aren't the crowned prince."

He stood proudly in front of the two. "Maybe he isn't, but he is the cousin of the heir." Naari's voice boomed from the crowd, he looked in the direction she was. The young man opened his mouth to speak "before you ask, Yeko, I am the crowned prince's Golden shield and I would be happy to report that a trainee was being rude to his family." Yeko, kiva thought definitely didn't know him, her thought was cut off with a frustrated growl followed with Yeko throwing a small blade at her along with Caldon yelling her name.

Dodging to the left at the last second, however not quick enough, the small blade striking her thigh sinking into her flesh. Kiva yelped stumbling backward, Caldon caught her, guiding her to the ground. At that moment captain Veris came out along with Ashlyn, Tor, and


Veris froze on spot, looking at the scene that just unfold. Naari saw him screaming "Veris, trainee 331, committed crime, call to restrain!" He gave a nod snapping his fingers, moments later guards surrounded Yeko, taking him away. Ashlyn stepped around Veris, confused on the demands given, only to gasp and jog to where Caldon and Kiva were, crouching beside her. "What the hell happened?!"

Caldon was supporting Kiva's body, trapping her arm to keep her awake " That trainee had very strong opinions on her and her title." Ashlyn bit her lip, examining Kiva's thigh the blade still within her flesh. Jaren came with long strides, concern written all over his face "what is going on-" his question was c  it off when he caught sight of Kiva, immediately dropping to the ground, pulling her into his arms.

He looked at his cousin "what happened, how did she end up with a blade in her thigh?" Caldon shook his head "Jaren mate, let's get her a healer before that gets infected."

Soon enough Jaren was carrying kiva to a room but not just any room his room, though she didn't care. Her ability to stay awake was becoming less, Jaren placed Kiva on his bed gently, she bit her lip to quit a moan, only moments later a healer entered the room "I'm healer Renna Kaline." She walked to kiva's  side noting the blade in her thigh "this-this is going to hurt" the healer rapped her fingers around the hilt of the blade, pulling it out with lightning speed, forcing a groan out of Kiva. Renna but her lip, looking at the rip which was now blood stained " I need to remove your leggings to be able to properly work on the wound."

Kiva's will power to remain conscious was already so weak, she only gave a nod not caring about Jaren seeing, he has already seen what would be shown. Removing her leggings putting them off to the side, groaning at how the movement caused her pain. Kiva noticed that Jaren's eyes flicked from her scars to the new wound anger flashing. She placed her hand on his telling him she would be alright.

Jaren intertwined their fingers kissing her hand. "All finished" the healer Renna, managed to finish cleaning and stitching the wound with out Kiva even feeling it, not even a minute later a glass of purple liquid was handed to her "this will make you sleep off the pain." She instantly took it drinking every last drop.

Feeling herself immediately getting sleepy, she snuggled deeper into the silky sheets. Feeling someone pull her close "sleep well sweetheart" then Kiva was pulled into a blissful slumber.

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