Chapter 6: Going Into Hiding

Start from the beginning

Instead, Aurora smiled wider at him.

Maleficent glared at her. "...I hate you. Beastie."

(Y/n) put her hand over her mouth to try and hide her laughter at his failed attempt to frighten the infant.

A clatter could be heard somewhere in the cottage, and Maleficent took that as a cue to leave, for now.


"The fairies were perhaps unequal to their task."

Aurora laid in her basket on the same tree stump, bawling her eyes out while the fairies were working in the garden.

"Why is she crying?" Flittle asked.

"I think she might be hungry." Thistlewit guessed.

"Then feed her!" Knotgrass snapped at them.

Thistlewit and Flittle stumbled around, looking for food, when Flittle placed a couple of carrots onto Aurora's lap for her.

Unfortunately, with her only being a baby, she couldn't eat them, and continued to cry.


A few feet away, hidden in the trees, Maleficent's sat with his hands over his ears, listening to Aurora crying.

(Y/n) sat on the same branch grimacing at the noise. She felt bad for Aurora, being placed under the care of fairies that had no idea how to look after a human baby.

"It's going to starve with those three looking after it." Maleficent hissed. "(Y/n), make it stop crying." He demanded.

(Y/n) looked at him incredulously. "And how am I supposed to do that?"

"I don't know, find the beast something it can actually eat. Quickly, before my head explodes from all this noise." He whined.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, and hopped down from the branch she was sitting on to go find food for Aurora.


Later that night, while the three fairies slept, Aurora was still crying her eyes out. (Y/n) crept in through the window, carrying a dripping flower, and a cup filled with mushed up berries. She gave Aurora the flower to suck on, while gently rocking her at the same time.

As she was doing so, Aurora reached over and grasped (Y/n)'s finger in her tiny hand, making her pause and look at the little baby.

She smiled softly. "Hello there. I'm sorry about what Maleficent did. You don't deserve to be cursed. I promise I'm going to try and convince him to take it off."

Of course, Aurora didn't respond and just continued to stare at her.

Once she had drank all the water from the flower, (Y/n) fed her the berries, and tucked her into her little basket and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight Aurora." She whispered, before she climbed back out the window.


The three fairies sat at the table playing a game when Flittle suddenly grabbed Knotgrass's wrist that was reaching across the table.

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