Dull Parents

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Dallas's POV:
Today was one of Stony's bad days, he's ten, but still remembers his trauma every so often. He also is still not super comfortable with females.

I found him in his room today, in a corner. Rocking. He looked tired, and stressed. He pulled at his hair, whimpering.

"No no no, don't please don't." He sounded desperate and worried.

This was the day I call PonyBoy. He has experienced panic attacks full blown, and first hand he would know exactly what to do.

I've comforted Stony before, but I've never been able to give him a good way to prevent or stop them.

I dial his number, "Hey Pone, can you come fast? It's for Winston."

"Sure Dal." And before I know it he is here within the next 10 minutes.

"He's having a panic attack, and I know you know how to deal." I tell him.

"Ok," with that he heads on back to Winston's room.

PonyBoy's POV:
I'm already holding in tears, this kids life story just gets me every time. How a happy, energetic kid can turn sad and anxious because of one set of events that happened three years ago.

"Hey Stony." I speak calmly, his eyes are covered and he is shaking. His clothes are stained wet, and I honestly think it's pee. He looks so scared it has to be.

"No, don't touch that please. Mikey make it stop!" He sobs loudly.

"Winston, can you hear me? It's uncle Pony."

"Uncle Pony?" He body relaxes but only slightly.

"Yeah can you uncover your eyes, so you remember where you are?" I asks him so he know he doesn't have to.

He cries, "o-okay." He slowly removes his hands from his face, and lunges into a hug with me.

"I just want to forget Uncle Pony, but it comes back!" He sobs into my shirt, he's still in a ball as I cradle him.

"When do you remember?" This will play an important role in his forget process. Which won't happen but you can trick your brain and tell yourself things didn't happen.

"When I go to sleep, they find me. When I am alone they find me, when I am around girls they find me. But only sometimes, not all the time." He is shaking again, so I rub his back to stop another panic attack.

"Who is they, Winston?" I asks quietly.

"Mommy and her friends. I remember the things she used to say and that they used to say." He cries again, I can tell whatever they said had hurt his feelings.

"What did they say baby? Have you told anyone?" I soothe.

"I didn't want to tell anyone because I don't want to bother my daddies anymore since I can walk again."

Dallas's POV:
I wish I wasn't outside his door right now, because that just made my whole world shatter.

bother. He thinks he's a bother. But he's not I love him bothering me, him and Mike are all I ever care about.

"Well then you can tell me Winston," Pony continues.

"Mommy didn't feed me, because she said I was fat.
She said I was ugly like my dad, but I think Daddy is handsome. She only let me eat one or two meals a day. And I still believe her. Am I fat uncle Pony?" He sounded upset, and curious.

"No Winston, your not even a little fat. And I know what it's like for people to call you fat, and it's not nice, but no matter what. Don't let yourself believe them, because you can hurt yourself if you don't eat."
PonyBoy was sobbing, I could tell. He has a right to be though, eating problems hit way to close to home for him.

"Ok Uncle Pony." His voice was quiet.

*flash back to when Winston was five*

"Daddy!" He giggled, running and giving me a huge hug.

"Hey baby, how was kindergarten?" I asked grinning back at him.

"Great, but where's Daddy Mike?" He tilts his head, that's the first time I've heard him call Mikey that, but it's too cute.

"He's a home waiting on you buddy."

"Yay!" He jumps up at down a little, his dark eyes sparkle.

He's beaming, his light, it's shining, it's bright, happy looks good on him. I hope he stays that way.

*Flashback over*

I go into the kitchen Mike, just finished cleaning up breakfast.

I throw myself around him. "I miss my son, Mikey. I want him back." I sob.

"I know Dal." He rubs my back, I miss Winston's sparkle.

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