Report to Rui

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Rui was sitting in the blue beanbag when Nene arrived. "Ah, hello Nene! What have you found?" Rui said. "...I found Emu..." She said with a sad face. "How on god's green earth did you find Emu in the bathroom. Didn't she move to Ohio the month before Rui went missing?" Rui said. "Also, is everything ok? You seem sad." "I... had to leave Emu there... She wouldn't move when I found the exit..." Nene said sadly. "Oh, well don't worry! We can go-" Rui stopped at. "Wait a minute, is that Tsukasa?!?!?!" Nene interrupted. "Wait, WHAT!?!?!!??" Rui exclaimed. They looked out the window and there he was, outside of a mansion with his face plastered over it, stood Tsukasa Tenma. They immediately climbed out the treehouse and began running towards him. "TSUKASA!" Rui and Nene yelled in unison.

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