Sudden Sewing Adventure

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Synopsis: Hina and Aya find a cute dress for Hina, but the texture is unbearable to her. Aya decides to try and make the dress from scratch with textures Hina can tolerate


"This looks so cute."

"Yeah. Definitely suits you, Hina."

Hina was out shopping with Aya at the moment. She saw a cute dress that caught her eye. She reached out to feel it. The moment her hand felt the fabric, she shot back and rubbed her hand on her shirt. The texture was awful. She couldn't stand it.

It was a very tacky feelings. Very rough and full of static energy. Hina disliked things that felt that way a lot. Dare she say it was her least favorite?

"What's wrong?" Aya asked.

"It doesn't feel good." Hina mumbled, "I can't touch it."

"Oh... that sucks..." Aya frowned.

"I... need a moment." Hina took a seat on a nearby bench. She felt off now after having touched that dress. The feeling from it lingered on her hand.

"That bad of a texture?"

Hina nodded, "My least favorite one."

"I guess we aren't doing anything with it then. That's a shame. It was such a pretty dress."


"Guys, I need your help." Aya approached the others in the band a day later.

"With what Aya?"

"We're gonna make a dress for Hina." Aya stated.

"Why?" Everyone was confused by that.

"Because we found one that would totally suit her but the texture is bad so she can't wear it. Let's make the same dress but in good textures for her!" Aya explained, a determined look on her face.

Aya didn't want to leave Hina out like that. She really had liked the dress. Hopefully they could recreate it well enough that she would still like it. Though, this was a very ambitious project.

"So... how do we make a dress?" Maya asked.


However, they didn't know where to start. How did they pull this off properly? What steps did they need to take? Where did they start? This seemed like it was going to get very complicated very fast.

"Well, first off, we need the dress for reference." Chisato stated.

"Already covered. I ran into Lisa and had her take pictures of me wearing the dress from all angles. We have that done." Aya stated, proud of her thinking.

She had been very lucky Lisa had been there. Aya had returned later to possibly buy the dress for good reference, but found it was gone. She didn't find any others on the same style around. She was very lucky to have done that when she did.

"Alright. I guess next is to figure out how much fabric we would need to make said dress."

"And how much it would cost."

"Let's start doing calculations then."


The four girls secretly worked away on making this dress for Hina. Said girl was none the wiser to what they were doing for her. She didn't notice anything amiss. They were very careful to hide any evidence of their actions anywhere Hina might possibly see.

It had worked. They had finished the dress and Hina still had no idea it even existed. Perfect. Now to just find the best way to give it to her.

"Hina, can you come to my house after school. There's something I wanna show you." Aya was tasked with the duty.

They hid the dress in Aya's room. They would lead Hina there and let her in to see it. It would be an easy, but good way to surprise her.

"Sure." Hina was easy to agree to the plan.

"Then after classes end, let's meet up outside Haneoka." Aya replied.

"Gotcha!" Hina nodded.

And so they went about their day. Aya was a bit nervous. What if Hina didn't like it? What if they messed up something? But they had been very careful. They made sure to only use things they knew confidently that Hina was fine with. There shouldn't be any issue, right?


After classes, they met up as planned. Aya took Hina on a slight detour so the other three girls could get to the house first. Hina didn't really question the change in route too much.

"Is there a reason we turned this way?"

"Oh, the flowers are pretty right now. I though maybe you'd like to walk past them as we go to my house."

That was all it took to make Hina fine with it.

The detour was enough time. The other three were lying in wait. They watched as the two girls entered the house.

"I have a surprise for you. It's in my room." Aya said.


They went to Aya's room. Hina was eager to see what it was. It wasn't often she got something like this. She wondered what the occasion was.

"Go ahead and open the door." Aya said.

Hina nodded and opened the door. She walked into the room.

"Is that...?"

"Yes, but no. It's better than the original. This one is made with fabrics you can wear." Aya explained.

Hina walked up to the dress and examined it, "You did this?"

"We did." Aya said.

The other three came out of hiding. Hina stared at them in surprise for a bit. To think they had gone out of their way to do something like this for her. She was really happy.

"Can I try it on?" Hina asked.


She was given the privacy to change. Hina smiled to herself as she put it on. It felt so much better. In fact, she loved the fabric texture. Silky textures were her favorite. This was just that.

She couldn't help but twirl around in it. It looked so pretty. She loved the design on it. This dress was perfect for her.

Hina opened the door, "How do I look?"


"You look so cool."


"It really does suit you."

Hina smiled brightly at all the compliments, "Thank you guys! You're the best! I can't believe you did this for me."

"You looked so sad that you couldn't wear the dress. I didn't want to leave you that way." Aya stated.

"I'm really glad I have an awesome friend like you. Like all of you."

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