Chapter 16 - Destiny

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"They are back at their tower. We can request for them to come here if you would like?" T'challa said with such kindness and timidness noticing my very nervous form.

"No, no it's fine I'll go to them," Olivia began to stay before being abruptly interrupted by a stressed-looking guard.

"My king, princess, Queen Ramonda asks for you to accompany her to the meeting. She asks to bring the girl to her," The guard said, bowing her head in respect.

The two siblings seemed to have a silent conversation between each other, before turning to the guard and becoming for her to bring them to their mother.

As Olivia was escorted through the corridors of the magnificent Wakandan palace, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement, confusion, and a tinge of trepidation. The opulence and regal atmosphere of the palace were unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes from Wakanda's history, and the air carried a sense of reverence.

Finally, they arrived at a grand chamber where Queen Ramonda, adorned in traditional Wakandan attire, awaited Olivia's arrival. The Queen emanated an air of grace and wisdom, her eyes holding a depth of knowledge and compassion. Olivia couldn't help but be in awe of her presence.

"Welcome, young one," Queen Ramonda greeted Olivia with a warm smile. "We are pleased to have you here in our sacred land of Wakanda."

Olivia stammered in disbelief, her mind racing with questions. "But... why? Why am I being treated like... like a royal? I have done nothing for you or for this land, I don't understand."

The Queen's expression softened, and she motioned for Olivia to take a seat beside her. "You may think of yourself as a nobody, but there is more to you than meets the eye. You have been chosen, Olivia. Chosen to play a crucial role in the destiny of Wakanda."

Olivia's heart skipped a beat. Chosen? Destiny? She couldn't comprehend what the Queen was implying. "I... I don't understand. Why me? What could I possibly have anything to do with Wakanda?"

The Queen reached out and gently grasped Olivia's hands, her touch soothing and reassuring. "You possess a unique gift, one that is linked to the very essence of Wakanda. Our ancestors have sensed it, and it is through this gift that you have been brought here."

Olivia's mind raced, trying to process the Queen's words. A gift? What could it be? Her thoughts went back to her mission, to retrieve vibranium for HYDRA. Could it be connected to that? But she had abandoned that path, choosing to align herself with the greater good.

"I... I abandoned HYDRA. I couldn't go through with their plans," Olivia confessed, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination.

Queen Ramonda nodded, her gaze unwavering. "We know, Olivia. We have been watching, waiting for the right moment to reveal the truth to you. Your choices have shown us your strength and your capacity for change."

As the Queen spoke, Olivia felt a surge of emotions—confusion, relief, and a sense of belonging. It was as if the pieces of her fragmented life were slowly coming together.

"You have a part to play in the protection and preservation of Wakanda," the Queen continued. "Your unique connection to vibranium and your unwavering dedication to doing what is right has brought you here. We are prepared to train you, guide you, and help you embrace your destiny."

As the weight of Queen Ramonda's words settled within Olivia, she felt a mix of awe and apprehension. This revelation about her destiny and connection to Wakanda was overwhelming, to say the least. She couldn't help but wonder how it would affect her relationship with the others who hadn't even contacted her since she had awoken.

T'Challa, his eyes reflecting a blend of curiosity and concern, approached Olivia with a calm yet determined demeanor. "Olivia, I understand that this is a lot to take in," he began, his voice soothing like a gentle breeze. "But please know that you are not alone in this. We are here to support and guide you every step of the way."

Olivia met T'Challa's gaze, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "But... I don't understand why I would be of this honor and power, T'Challa. You're the King, a figure of great power and responsibility. Surely you or Shuri are better suited for this role."

T'Challa's expression softened, and he took Olivia's hands in his, cradling them gently. "Olivia, what makes you worthy is not determined by titles or external factors. It is your heart, your courage, and the choices you have made. The connection between us goes beyond the constraints of position or power. It is a bond of souls, one that transcends any doubts or insecurities."

Olivia's heart fluttered at T'Challa's words, yet she couldn't shake off her feelings of inadequacy. "But what if I'm not strong enough? What if I can't live up to the expectations that the people expect?"

T'Challa's eyes shimmered with sincerity as he gently caressed her cheek. "Olivia, strength comes in many forms, and it is not measured solely by physical prowess or royal lineage. It is the strength within your spirit, the resilience to face adversity, and the capacity to love deeply. You possess all of these qualities and more."

He continued, his voice filled with unwavering belief. "We are soulmates, connected in ways that are beyond comprehension. Together, we will face the challenges that lie ahead, and I do not doubt that you will rise to the occasion."

Olivia felt a mixture of emotions welling up within her—hope, fear, and a sense of longing. The bond she shared with T'Challa felt palpable, an unbreakable thread that bound their souls together. And yet, the weight of the responsibility that came with being his soulmate was both exhilarating and terrifying.

As T'Challa leaned closer, his forehead touching hers, he whispered, "Belief in yourself, Olivia. Trust in the strength that resides within you. You are worthy of love, of power, and of the destiny that awaits."

Olivia's doubts began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of determination. She would embrace this new chapter of her life, accepting the role that had been entrusted to her. Together with T'Challa and the support of the Wakandan people, she would learn, grow, and fulfill the destiny that had been disposed upon her.

She was a protector of the people, a lending hand to those who were struggling. She was prepared and ready to defend her land by any means necessary.

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