Chapter 2

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Father's eyes matched mine, his pupils dilated for a second before he put on a rather large grin. It made me feel almost unsettled.

"Ah, Y/n. How are you doing sugarplum? Didn't I remind you to not come into my room without asking?" Father exclaimed as he tucked the knife quickly into a drawer, but it didn't escape my view.

"What was that knife for father?" I asked nervously, gripping onto the edge of my jumpsuit's shorts. Father looked a little spaced out before he looked like he suddenly snapped back into reality.

"I was just making sure my knife was sharp enough my dear" he said.

"But why do you have it there in the first place?" I asked, taking a step backward. Father seemed to notice this, some stress lines forming underneath his eyes as his hand slowly raised to bend at his sides.

"Well we gotta protect ourselves somehow if burglars come, right? We got to be prepared for them" he smiled, his hip slowly leaning into the desk to close the drawer with the kitchen tool. Normally I would have believed Daddy, if it wasn't for the fact that that knife looked identical to the dream I saw him murdering in.

Not wanting to draw anymore attention to myself I excused myself before walking out of the room. I walked into the kitchen and just sat on the kitchen counter. School was tomorrow and I would get to see my friends which was exciting. They were honestly the only thing I looked forward to recently, besides putting shaving cream on Elizabeth's face and watching her smack herself when she sleeps.

"Well someone looks depressed" a voice said behind me. I felt myself jump from shock before I turned around quickly to see one of Michael's friends Simon to be exact. He had a fredbear mask on the side of his head, his hair was dusty blonde that almost slumped over his eyes, he had olive colored skin with light freckles around his cheeks. His eyes were almond brown and he wore a green sweater over a collared shirt with tan baggy pants that were barely held by a belt.

"Oh, hi Simon" I replied in a discouraged tone. The boy frowned before sitting down next to me.

"Life got you down already? You are only six aren't you?" Simon said as he leaned into the counter we sat over with his arms in a crossed position over the surface.

"Where are your friends and Michael? Why are you even talking to me in the first place?" I asked suspiciously. Simon smiled at me with a closed eye smile before leaning back into the chair.

"Why? Am I not allowed to see Michael's siblings?" he asked.

"Yes, you're weird" I deadpanned. An imaginary arrow shot through Simon's heart and he internally cried. He took a deep breath before he looked at my unimpressed face.

"Don't tell anyone, but you are my favorite of Michael's siblings!" he exclaimed with a wide smile.

"Why?!" I asked bewildered. What did I ever do to gain his attention? I think I accidentally threw a baseball at his head once. I don't know if he ever recovered apparently.

"I think you're the cutest!" he replied. I felt like someone just stabbed me at his words. Is he stupid?

"Do you realize how that sounds right?" I ask. Simon's eyes widened as he suddenly started freaking out.

"WAIT! NO! Don't take it that wayyy" he cried. "I meant that you are just a cute child!! I swear I'm not a pedophile!" he cried, sinking to the ground. I shook my head as I shifted myself to the floor where the masked boy laid.

"Are you dead?" I asked lifting his mask off his now covered face. Simon gave an embarrassed look before he covered his face back up.

"Look, you're fine, ok! Get up!" I exclaimed, pulling him off the floor. But let's be honest, my weak noddle six year old arms aren't all that strong. I fell to the ground in a straight up face plant. Simon gasped before he nervously got to his feet next to my side.

::I Never Died:: - ::Afton Family x Y/n child::Where stories live. Discover now