Important Information ⚠️

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::As I said before I wrote the original book on my friends account before I had my own, if you are new here then welcome! I am author-chan! Thank you so much for everyone who loved my book or was willing to give this book a try! I have a lot of time and effort into this book, so please enjoy!::

-please don't write hurtful or inappropriate comments, it discourages me from continuing

-I changed a lot of the character's personality's and structure of this story so it won't be exactly like the last

-this will be a f(Y/n) ONLY because it's easier to write for one, and I feel more comfortable writing for it. If you want you can change the pronouns as you read!

-your comments gave me the motivation to write about this again, so thank you!!

-if anyone wants to I'm willing to take any appropriate fanart on my Pinterest account @2azzy, sorry I don't have any other platforms. You can just add me into your art!

::Besides William and Ms Afton, there will be no ships inside the family (for example no Evan x Michael gross stuff)::

::thank you! If you have any questions please ask! Enjoy!::


::I Never Died:: - ::Afton Family x Y/n child::Where stories live. Discover now