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Last time on the only book I've published more than two chapters on

Our protagonist Y/N L/N had been...

Dragged into the lab of All For One's doctor and the creator of the Nomu

Then forced to come face to face to face to face with mutilated corpses of his mother and parents in law

Could there be any other definition of hell?


All that Y/N could hear was the beating of his heart, the thumping of the blood in his ears drowned out the maniacal cackling that echoed from above

Despite it being almost a decade since their passing those were faces he'd never forget, the world around him was spinning, his stomach churned as heat began to rise in his throat

The dead faces of his mother and parents in law stared directly and while their faces were devoid of expressions that only allowed his mind to drown deeper in it's thoughts

They were just there

Silently judging him

Before he could take even a single step back his action was interrupted by a kick to the shin that brought him out of his dazed stupor

Snapping back into the situation by the older hero and his eyes once again met with that of the abomination, it was a naturally repulsive sight that caused Y/N to feel nauseous even thinking of this 'thing'

Noticing his state the mastermind behind the creature voiced a chorus of delirium

???: "Truly one of my greatest works to date, while most of their original quirks weren't anything special their bodies proved adequate canvases, unlike their Upper-Tier brethren Answer has a lighter skin pigmentation than the black they usually possess, such as the one Tomura Shigaraki squandered at the U.S.J." eagerly he presented his creation, with All For One imprisoned it had been quite some time since he had last been able to the present his work

While he was preoccupied with his explanation the heroes had studied the Nomu now known as Answer before continuing their search for an escape route, Inquisitive being much more uncharacteristically impatient and desperate to do so

If this one was truly comparable to the one that had clashed with All Might U.S.J. and was specifically designed to counter one of them then their situation was more dire than they first thought

Not to mention that the Nomu around them could potentially be of a similar threat level although they were pining on the hope that it wasn't the case, given how up till now the only other Nomu encountered were at Hosu and Kamino ward each proved to be lesser than the beast that exchanged blows with the Symbol of Peace

They were aware that these artificially enhanced beings were essentially marionettes with no free will of their own, which is what made Y/N so effective at dealing with them as either their modified brains couldn't handle the thoughts he gave or some built in countermeasure destroyed the rebelling mind

With this in mind they took this opportunity to scheme before an issue was ordered, simultaneously trying not alert the Nomu or cut the mad scientist's narcissistic speech short

???: "Of course I naturally used only the most logical hand selected quirks in Answer's design, fortunately All For One allowed me to procure certain quirks from people who weren't using them to their... let's say fullest potential" at some point the plotting villain had switched into a lecturer

Unaware that he was being ignored as a plan of action had just finished being brewed

With stationary and seemingly inactive target a preemptive strike was launched

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