Call me uncle

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In the previous chapter of Just Another Extra strange happening were afoot

After a seemingly average day sinister forces made their move

With mind altering at play the foundations of Y/N L/N's mind have begun to shift


Rikiya Yotsubashi glanced over the monitors in front on him, each repeating different scenes on loop

The first, second and third being the footage from the satellite which had recorded Y/N's skirmish against two hundred Meta Liberation Warriors, magnified and enhanced to capture even the most minuscule of movements

The fourth and fifth displayed scenes of Y/N performing his daily routine within his house, only being possible thanks to the vast resources at the Meta Liberation Army's disposal

Detnerat had produced many valuable products, both for public consumption and the MLA's own needs, amongst their stock were tools capable of preforming espionage

With such spyware being implemented within the L/N household it became easy to observe their latest member's behaviour and ensure that he didn't act outside of their interests

Rikiya who had only met the man once had already took notice of the similarities he had with his mother, the way he talked, walked and held himself made the Grand Commander reminiscent of the past

The days before Mai L/N had vacated herself from her position within the MLA, the organisation that she payed an instrumental role in reforming, due to it originally becoming defunct after the incarnation of the original Destro

Re-Destro was aware of why she had chosen to take such actions as well as the mission she devoted herself to despite no longer having the support of their shared cause, to him she was an idol all that were under their banner should look up to, being only second to founder himself

He was also privy to the cause of her demise, truly a tragic turn of events

However now looking upon the blissfully ignorant man who stood at the centre of a web of hidden conflict Rikiya couldn't help but pity him

Make no mistak Re-Destro would kill those that opposed the path to the true liberation of all meta humans

However that doesn't mean he was a cold heartless man, he pitied those that didn't see the righteous goals he and his people strived for and he wept for those who died for the cause

So to see Y/N knowing what trails and tribulations awaited him on the path that he would have to lead him down

A pit formed in his stomach

But alas one man's life couldn't be placed above their goal

The least he could do was make it as painless as possible

By removing all of Inquisitive's free will from the equation


Everything had mostly started going smoothly for Y/N since yesterday, the main factor supporting this notion being sponsorship he'd be receiving from Detnerat to further his career

A part of him wondered what sparked this sudden interest from the corporation leading him to questioning the contact he'd been given

In summary it was stated that it was due to his surge in popularity and his reliance on support items that made him a 'prime candidate' for the company to start branching into the hero scene

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