Getting paid to beat up children

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Y/N: "What?" His confusion was verbalised with his still groggy voice

This H/C haired man could only get out a single word at the current situation, there were a few sights for him to break down before he could get a proper grasp on the situation

- The less than one year Yuji was strapped to his mother's chest in a baby carrier while his siblings were at their mother's side each with harnesses that were attached to Tomoko's own backpack

- Said backpack was currently overflowing with medical supplies and he could've sworn there was a defibrillator poking out at the top

- The three kids and their mother were all wearing helmets (and no one in this family owned a bike), Kotori seemed to be busy enjoying hers as she was currently slapping some colourful stickers to her own helmet

- Kazuha looked like he was ready to flee the moment the cord connecting him and his mother was no longer tethering him to her

Yeah he had few questions, before he could ask them however his wife who had just noticed his presence at the bottom of the stairs greeted him

Tomoko: "Oh hi Y/N! Just taking the kittens to school, this momma cat has it covered so no need to worry cause I'm feline-fine!" Her enthusiasm was almost overwhelming, she had one hand on her hip while the other was giving a thumbs up as she had a cartoonish grin on her face

Taken aback by this sudden change in attitude from how she had been recently Y/N's morning mind had yet to fully activate yet so he couldn't for the life of him understand this, in his moment of bamboozlement he turned to his children to try get a read on the the situation.

The baby was incoherently babbling away so he wasn't an option so he didn't help shed any light on the situation

Kotori who had noticed her father along with her mother just waved and smiled at the man, although even Y/N's tired brain could see this wasn't a completely natural smile and came across as quite forced, Tomoko's smile looked genuine so he chalked this up to her habit of mimic her mother

If someone didn't know the relationship between the eldest L/N child and the woman it wouldn't of been too far fetched to believe he was currently being held hostage, his eyes screamed for help and the moment they saw Y/N they looked ready burst into tears from the arrival of their saviour, as he dropped to his knees as he put his hands in a praying motion in his desperation

With this "variety" on responses Y/N's brain decided it wasn't in the mood for thinking just yet so he just decided to ask the suspect of their suffering

Y/N: "What's going on here?" While dryly asking his question he rubbed some of the sleep out of his eyes

Tomoko: "Didn't you hear me hubby hubby hubbster? School, I'm taking these three adorable balls of energy to school" she seemed to be be oblivious to that fact he was more curious about her methods than anything else

Y/N hadn't expected Tomoko's boisterous behaviour to show it's face so soon, it was honestly a nostalgic sight to see and if he were more awake he'd of been bothered enough to suffocate her in hugs, he'd honestly forgot that Kotori's ability to immediately emotionally recover from most things was inherited from his wife as it had been so long since something had been able to bring her spirits down

So with the smile he fell in love with back on display he decided he shouldn't rain on her parade and let her have this, besides she was just going to take the kids to school what could go wrong?

Y/N: "K" with a short response he just gave a thumbs up and turned away and went back upstairs leaving Tomoko to have free reign over the kids for now

Behind him a deeply distraught Kazuha felt the world shatter around him from his father's betrayal, he knew the green haired woman was feeling overprotective of her kids right now but wasn't this overkill? Not to her it wasn't, as she proceeded to take the L/N children trio to the car, the eldest gripping on to whatever he could get his hands on in futile attempts at resisting this woman's tyrannical rule.

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