Chapter Ten: Welcome

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The Rossi's nearly arrived last to the Dupain-Cheng palace, the sun was almost at the peak point in the sky.

"How embarrassing, we barely arrived with any time to finish getting ready." Lila's mother was wiping a cotton pad over face to smooth out the foundation she messily applied with her fingers.

"Better to arrive fashionably late, I say." Lila observed her appearance in a hand held mirror.

"Don't be like that Lila, it looks bad for us to show up late." Her father was adjusting the cuffs on his sleeves.

She rolled her eyes, but held her tongue. She wanted to make some snarky remarks, but she couldn't stir up trouble before the night even started. She looked at her reflection again, admiring herself. She had successfully convinced her father to give her new jewelry, and she was wearing every piece she had asked for. It was large chunky pieces of gold adorned with emeralds and citrine, her earrings and necklace were a matching set. They weighed heavily on her neck and ears, but she could care less. Beauty is pain.

They finally pulled into the entrance and were led directly to the great hall. The room was packed with people, everyone waiting to be allowed in. As they entered the room all eyes were latched onto them, mostly because of their late arrival, but Lila acted as though the attention was due to her beauty.

Her parents immediately left her side and went to go greet the other royals in the room, she had expected this from them. They planned to strengthen their bonds with the other kingdoms tonight to ensure that trade routes would remain open in case Lila could not successfully smooth things over with the Dupain-Cheng princess.

She wandered around the crowds of people until she spotted a golden skinned boy with shiny blonde hair, Lila recognized him instantly. She had done research in the weeks leading up to the ball, checking all the royals in her age range that would be in attendance.

Lila made it her goal to outdo Marinette in whatever way she could tonight, this included having some nice arm candy. Out of all the young eligible bachelors this boy, Adrien Agreste, was the most desirable. It wasn't only his attractive features that made Lila choose him, though that was one of the main reasons, it was the fact that he was rarely ever seen out at any social gatherings.

This made him a rare and valuable jewel in her eyes, to capture such a rare specimen would surely hold the attention of everyone in the room.

She slowly skulked her way over to him, how would she play this game to attract his attention. It had been awhile since the last time she got to attract a boy's attention like this, her body buzzed with excitement at the prospect of playing her one of her favorite games again.

She decided to play mind games with him, and act as though they had met before. She had used this tactic before and surprisingly it had worked a few times. These boys she would mess with were typically interested by her overly confident claims of familiarity.

She came up behind him and used the sweet voice she had been working on in the weeks leading up to the ball. "Is that the famous prince Adrien Agreste I've heard so much about?"

He turned around slowly, a polite look painted on his handsome features.

"Hello, who might you be?" He smiled.

"Why, you insult me prince Agreste, you'd think you'd remember me after all these years but I suppose I was wrong. Oh well it can't be helped with how little you leave your kingdom." She shot her best arrogant smile at him.

"Allow me to reintroduce myself, I am princess Lila Rossi. The honored guest of this event." She held out her hand for him to take.

He didn't take her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Rossi. Now if you would please excuse me, I should really go and find my father now." He smiled and quickly walked away.

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