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I open today the bakery earlier than usual, that because Rung is sick and there is only me now no one is here serves the tables, wash the dishes and do all the other tasks

Guess I will do all of them alone, 

After arranging the tables, mopping the floor and cleaning the kitchen, i look at my wrist

It's already 8:30 AM! 

 I go to change the hanging sign on the front door from 'closed' to 'open'

I look up to the calm street, it's still early in the morning, especially today is Saturday, every one are still asleep.

A luxury car is parked next to the bakery, the headlights of the car are still on, means the owner of the car is still inside of it.

I try to look who's the in the driver seat but the windows are too black, the only answer I got,

the driver is man, i wonder who's this? is he from a rich family?

I shake my head and go back to my place,

I'm always unnecessarily curious about such dump things.

While I'm taking out the food and ingredients to place them out, I hear the door opens informing me that someone has entered the shop

"welcome and good morning"

I'm too busy that I can't look up, 

"sorry, just tell me your order I'll serve it to you in a minute"

The perfume I'm smelling now is so manly,
I cn smell it all over the shop! I better hurry arranging this mess

"a cup of coffee, no sugar.... That's it, and take your time"

I freeze in my place; no way this voice is so familiar to my ears!

It can't be-

I look up but the person is already sitting down, now all I see is his back and his black hair 

He has pretty shiny long hair unlike mine, I cut my hair very often

I shrug the thoughts in my head, at the end, it can't be what I'm thinking about

Stupid me!

After few minutes, I carry his cup of coffee to his table in front of the big glass,

Nice choice

"here is your co-"


Oh no....oh no.....

The cup slips from my hand and breaks on the floor

【Goodbye is Not Goodbye 】- JeffBarcode [ 𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 ]Where stories live. Discover now