"You finished the meeting before I got here?" Xiao Rui questions.

The moment he got closer and stops in front of Tong Yao, the girl stands up with Da Bing in her arms. Even if this is not the first time, they have meet each other, she flashes him a polite and sweet smile. Si Cheng seeing this, his frown deepens while his eyes jump between Xiao Rui and Tong Yao. He knows that they know each other, but he is not aware that they were close enough for Tong Yao to give their manager a sweet smile.

"Rui – ge," Si Cheng's eyes widen before they narrow in suspicion, jaws locked in, he did not like the sound of Tong Yao's excited voice upon talking to Xiao Rui, "I'm here to move in."

"You're here," Xiao smiles too warmly towards Tong Yao for Si Cheng's liking. The then faces everyone smiling at them, "Let me give you guys a formal introduction, this is Tong Yao." He points at her, with his palms up facing the ceiling, before continuing.

"Legend has it that she reached the top of the Chinese server at the age of 19." He shares.

Si Cheng with an annoyed look grabs his phone and starts scrolling through his media. Xiao Pang and Lao Mao on the other hand looks very interested and jaws were dropping at the information Xiao Rui was telling them about their girl. Lao K listens but processed nothing and continued with his games. Although he did not like the idea of changing midsolo, he cannot control but be amused by the information he is hearing from Xiao Rui.

"At 21, she ranked as the Lord of Kyoto on the South Korean server." Xiao continues to praise the little girl, "She is a talented midsolo, standing on the shoulders of 99% of boys."

Annoyed Si Cheng interrupts, "Save the press line, please."

The ballerina looks at the male and narrows her eyes before facing Xiao Rui with an embarrassed look, "That's too much, Rui – ge." She chuckles softly, embarrassed by the too much praise.

Xiao Rui chuckles as well before he speaks again, "Anyway, Tong Yao has officially replaced Ming, as of today, as our new midsolo. Welcome."

Lao K suddenly stops playing and glances at the girl, he did not like the sentence that had just left Xiao Rui's mouth. He would've thrown a tantrum and walked off glaring at Tong Yao. He hates it. He hates the idea of replacing Ming. Loathes the idea of playing with someone else. The idea that they won't be able to win the championship with Ming. Ming was his pillar. Lao K had shared that idea with Ming, that dream. All his life, they had plan on winning it together... but now they can't. Now Lao K had to adjust his tactics and his game play with match with the midsolo...and it kills him. But he does not have a choice.

Xiao Rui then starts the introduction within the boys. Despite, Tong Yao knowing them as they are Ming's friends and she has meet them before when she was younger and because of the obvious fact that they are famous E-sport players, she let Xiao Rui do his thing as it is only proper to do so. She shakes the hand of Lao Mao and hisses when he tightens his hold by the discreet insult from Xiao Rui. Tong Yao then chuckles softly at the interaction between Xiao Pang and the manager. It reminds her of how she and her best friends would joke around with each other too.

Lao Mao is the Topsolo of ZGDX, he also like to exercise and be fit – loves to work out other than anything. Will die if he had to stop both. Xiao Pang is the support of the team; he loves to eat. Tong Yao will instantly know she will get close with Xiao Pang. Not only because of his chubby and warm welcoming aura. But because they both love food.

"And that is Lao K, our Jungler," He points to the boy playing games by himself, "Despite his looks, he is actually living in his own head."

Tong Yao looks at Lao K remembering him very well. He was a big fan of her, she still rememebers their first meeting, the way Lao K was shy around her. Blushing as she talks to him, hiding behind her cousin, Ming. However, now she feels like he doesn't like him. For reasons she has assumptions of but will never set on the stone as it is only assumptions and not the truth.

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