Party «1»

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Finally came back. You scold me as u want in the comments.


night has already fallen, and it was party time, nana suggested to do the party in a restaurant, she settled things with tge restaurant's owner _i don't know how by the way_and she got the restaurant for her self for one night, i am curious how she convinced him. Every body was there. Every body seemed to be happy. Nana wore casual clothes even if it was her birth day but rather  she wore this.

I swear if someone saw her that night He will not be able to know her

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I swear if someone saw her that night He will not be able to know her.

-well,  well,  well. Is every body here. Nana said.

-yes, i have just checked the list even body is here. Said raven who where wearing this

( one of them, by the way, if u like gojo u should be raven♡)

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( one of them, by the way, if u like gojo u should be raven♡)

- why are u wearing this in such an occasion!? Asked Annie who was wearing this.

- nani!?  Maki asked"they can wear whatever they want but i agree with u"the ze'nin  girl was wearing this

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- nani!?  Maki asked"they can wear whatever they want but i agree with u"the ze'nin  girl was wearing this.

-  oh, maki why are u wearing this, are you probably wanting to attract someone?? Panda asks

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-  oh, maki why are u wearing this, are you probably wanting to attract someone?? Panda asks.

- tuna mayo~~~~ inumaki teased as well.

- hey, every body we are going to split into 3 groups. Nana was speaking. Panda and i settled the groups already so i am going just to read, i have the list onmy phone.

-3groups? We are 11. Megumi said.

- so the first team is


The second team is


The others are in the same group.

Is every one okay with this.? Nana asked. No gave an answer.

-so guys let's sit on the ground, each of you take what he wants to eat next to him and let's sit around this short table. Annie suggested as she pointed towards the small table.

While yuji and nobara were buzy choosing witch song should they play. Others where either talking or doing something. Then when all the students were together ( and gojo of course) they decided to play truth or dare.

- wait, i brought something important!  Ichigo said. She went towards her backpack and   she took out a small machine. "our game will be better with alie detector! "  she said.

Now that all of us are ready. They started with gojo.

- why me though!!!  Gojo said.

- because, be- be-. Ahhhh because you are older than us!!  Ray  made up  a sorry.

Gojo looked annoyed.

- ray ask him.

Raven nodded as she passed him the truth detector. "do you think that it's possible for a teacher to love a student  not just as friends. "  raven asked.

- mabey yes?  He saidand the truth detector said that it's  the truth.

- now, nobara, what makes u think that u know everything about fashion. Gojo asked nobara.

- i really don't know. She said.  She received an electric shock, which indicates that she was lying.

- ouch! Nana chuckled.

-oh!. Nobara said. Okay then nana truth or dare?

- of course dare!

-so-nobara was cut of by nana who said.

- no i mean truth, truth of course.

-i don't care. Kugisaki smirked.

- kiss someone. Kugisaki said as she faked an evil laugh" Hahaha ".

Ray held her laugh.

- ray chan ~. Nana said"she said someone,that meansa girl or a boy. And since you are like my older sister. "

-no no noooo, don't even think of it. Ray removed her face so instead of kissing raven's cheek, the kiss was on Megumi's cheek. He then looked at nana, with a 'wth are u thinking you're doing? ' face while she blushed and hid her face with her hands.

- i am sorry! Raven tried to put her hand on nana's shoulders.

- don't touch me. Nana said with a cold voice.

-well, let's continue. Raven said. Megumi tru-he cut her off.

- truth. He answered.

- do u like any girl here? Raven asked.

- no! He said putting his  right hand on the truth detector. This last one indicates that he was not telling tge truth so he just got his deserved electric shock.

-i will ask yuji. Truth or dare? Megumi said.

- dare? Yuji said.

- serve us all the night  then. Megumi said smirking.

-wha- i didn't know you are such a devil fushiguru.....  He said with a sad cute expression.

- bring a drink, i was lazy all this time, and now  should i ignore the fact that u are serving us tonight. Annie said.

-  (T_T) (T_T) (╯︵╰,)  that was his face.


Hey, guys here is a quick update. Hope u enjoy.

Suggest me games because there is another parts of party. If i do them all in one chapter that will be long.


                                                             ~nana sano

Girls of no where  (jujutsu kaisen x reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora