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Without any delay we'll go to the story... Plz ignore the mistake ☺️

Author's pov:
Hema is tired of doing stuff because that boy is giving every work to Hema not to Maisy. Maisy got 1 or 2 work unlike Hema. 'this is your punishment for starring at me' Spencer thought and smirk.

And " anyways, I'll introduce myself. I am Spenser , your dear senior . You guys can call me sp. Does it clear for u both ? " He asked with soft voice but still hard to Hema.

" Who asked?" Hema sighed and mumbled slowing but unfortunately it was clearly audible to other .

"What did you just say? " He asked with hard voice which made Hema to shutter. But still she didn't loose her attitude. With the same attitude she said " nothing , senior sp" with a fake smile. Maisy is still processing what's happening with these two. " I think you are willing to get more punishment,aren't you? " He asked in angry tone.

Then she didn't utter a word . She glared at him and she went back to work. He again called her " btw what's your name??" He asked... " That's none of your business Mr. Sp . If you want find it by yourself" she told in a straight face.

 If you want find it by yourself" she told in a straight face

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Sp literally got angry by her speech. And he supposed to saw her ID card but soon it was covered by Hema's hand. Then both glared and mind their business

Sp's pov:
' this girl is really something. But why my heart is beating fast when she came near me' i thought and went on my research. There was whole silent which was comfortable. But in between i stealed her glare.

She was busy doing her job. Another girl came and she asked some doubt to me. She seems like a good one. I helped her and asked her name and soon she replied her name ' Maisy ' with a warm smile. After few minutes I send them to have lunch.

And asked them to come back at sharp 1. That irritating girl gave me some annoying look and they both went. I sighed a lot that day. And I too went back to have lunch. I took lunch as a break from that girl. But unfortunately I don't have luck i guess.

She was sitting next table to me and along with her, her friend Maisy and with them one more girl was there. Unknowingly, I'm starring at her, and suddenly Now she is starring at me with angry face. I broke the eye contact and had food with my friends and headed back to library.

And at sharp 1 Maisy came . But that irritating one didn't came. " Where is that little brat ? " I asked. " She told she's having some work and she'll be back soon " Maisy chuckled and said in a warm smile.

Then after 15 minutes that girl came. And she didn't ask any excuse to me. But in that interval I asked her name to her friend Maisy . And now I know her name.

I smirk and called " Hema !!! Why did you came late?"

She was shocked at first and giving confused look " I had some girly issue which I don't want to share with you. And yeah ! because of that I was late" she told in stern voice.

After 30 mins , we almost completed the job and only few stuff is there to complete. So I asked Maisy to do some work. I turned to that brat to give some work . But what I saw was different. She was sleeping there like it's her home. I got angry and and I walked towards her.

But suddenly something happened in my heart  by seeing her

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But suddenly something happened in my heart  by seeing her. I saw her pouty lips while sleeping. Then I remembered that day I saw her in school entrance with this same pouty lips. Unconsciously, i smile by her view and enjoying each and every second until she moved in her sleep and suddenly I came back to reality .

" Hey ! U little annoying girl . Wake up ! Wake up fast fast " I told... Which made her to wake up. She was still in half conciousness looking at me with her pouty lips. " Hema ! U little brat " i shouted . She woke suddenly by that shout. " I told you to do that work. But you were sleeping. Should I tell this to your Lovable mam ?" I asked .

And after few seconds she replied " I'm sorry sp. I didnt sleep well yesterday and morning I woke up earlier only to see yo__" she stopped suddenly..

"to see what ? Hema " I asked .

She shook her head and replied " never mind " . I sighed and gave her the work . She was taking some book which is so far from her with the stool. But she got slipped and supposed to fall.

She grabbed my shirt and she fell. Which made me to loose balance and I too fall with het.

(Readers: oh enjoy bro ..😌
Sp : what to enjoy... She litrelly made me to fall when she was the only one supposed to fall...I won't leave this demon like this ...)

Hema's pov:
Me and sp fell down and we were so close that I can feel his breathe in my neck.

And soon our eyes meets . We both were starring at each other. And my heartbeat starts raising and his too. I can feel his heart beat too.

We both were almost been  there in that position for few seconds and soon some sound came which made us to move faster. And suddenly I put my head down in embarrassment. I can see his cheeks getting redder.

"What happened to your cheeks? It's like tomato " I asked in confused face and soon he turned back and told " nothing. Be careful while doing the work next time " he told in soft tone and I blushed.

Maisy's pov:
I heard some noise and I was confused 'what was the sound' i thought and I made my way to that place. When I walked i slip into some books .

And again I made my way to the place from where I saw the blushing Hema. I donno what happened and why she is blushing. " Hey Hemz, what happened? " I asked . She replied " i fell
from stool. That's it ". With that we went to the table where we completed all our extra works which SP gave us .

" Good job guys! You guys did well" he told in a soft voice. And soon I gave a smile . We started going out . Suddenly " Hema , you stay back. " He told. I looked at her. She gave assurance in her look . So I left them and went to class where Kaira will be waiting for us.

Author's pov:
After Maisy went out of the room. Sp came close to her. Hema stepping back until she reach the book shelf. He asked " what you are doing to me? " .

She shuttered in her position and after few seconds she replied " I donno what are you talking about" in shivered voice and sp enjoyed seeing her suffer .

Sp leaned too closer to her ; his lips were nearer to hema's ear. " You don't know , ahh??" He said in cold and husky tone which make hema feel cold in her spine. " I'm gonna punish you for what u did? Just wait and see " he told in husky voice .

And came back to normal position. She was in still shock and processing what's happening. " Ok anyways, u did good job. See you soon " he told and left the library like nothing happened.

(Author : what just happened... It's out of script...
Sp: I told u , right?? I won't leave her in peace, my game starts)

Hema in home lying on her bed and thinking of that moment . She's still in shock . And confused about what he did?. Soon in that thought she fell to sleep.

Hi guys ! How was the story today. Soon lots of things is there. Please support. And ignore the mistake ☺️

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