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"No, let's talk first, something isn't right." I demanded.

Letting out a sigh,
"What's not right?" Ares asked me in confusion, leaning against his car.
"Everything, nothing makes any sense." I exclaimed right back at him as I walked in a circle aimlessly.

He glanced at me,
"Go on, ask." He started, shaking his head.
"How did you get those documents, you know like the photos and everything?" I questioned.
"Mateo gave them to me." He answered simply, with the usual unbothered tone.

I rolled my eyes in agitation,
"Can't you be a little more descriptive than that?" I bickered back.
"Why didn't you just ask me to tell you everything that happened instead?" Ares replied, messing around with me.
"Oh my god, just answer the damn question." I demanded, glaring at him as I started to get annoyed.
"Since you wanna know so badly, I'll tell you from the beginning." He said in a not serious tone.



It was just another boring day, I had travelled back to America to visit my family and sort out some business.

It was then that I had gotten a phone call saying someone my family worked with had betrayed us, that person being 'father', Mr Dogan.

But I had a plan.

I knew everything he had ever done, I had him cornered.

But I needed proof.

However, I also knew Mateo now had some useful documents in his possession. They weren't the type of documents I could access.

And I needed to get them somehow.

That very same day, late at night, without me needing to even do anything, he showed up at my doorstep.

"Let's make a deal." Mateo offered bluntly, getting straight to the point.
"What kind of deal?" I asked out of curiosity as I leaned against the door frame.
"You want these right?" He said holding out the documents I did need.

As my eyes widened in surprise,
"They could be useful... your point being?" I questioned.
"I'll give them to you if you get rid of him permanently." Mateo explained as he glared into the distance.

He didn't need to tell me any more than that for me to know what he wanted.

It was a tempting deal, two birds with one stone.

Letting that man slide after betraying me and my family wasn't my plan at all.

"You got yourself a deal then." I answered, shaking Mateo's hand.
"Good." He said as he pressed the documents against my bare chest and slowly disappeared into the distance after taking one last glance at my shirtless self.

I was so sure that no one would be after Mateo.

But I shouldn't have been so sure.

After a week or so, everything was set up, and now it was time to capture the enemy.

I had the man in question's location and was now on my way to get rid of him, permanently.

Me and my men busted into the building, covering the area around, there was nowhere that old bastard could escape.

After searching a few rooms, I walked into a certain one, finding the man I was looking for, but someone else too.

I wasn't someone who often felt compassion, empathy, or any other emotions like that toward others, but the sight in front of me really hit a nerve.

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