chapter two

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The clock spun around the room with seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned hours. It was right around lunch time and Josie was still, inevitably going to have to take her meds which is a dreaded time of the day.

The girl helplessly thought about company on a day to day basis. Her mom, Emma, was just way too busy to see her everyday that she'd only see her on the weekends if the traffic wasn't to horrific. Because honestly, this was the main con of living in a town without the best hospital around. We had to drive forty-five minutes out to visit the main hospital and it just isn't ideal to be doing that when work drives you 'round the clock.

The usual day runs from 0700 to 2230. The mornings were silent and embraced the true meaning of peace unless you get the unlucky visitor that is too loud that sounds break through the ER. You see, we have the main hospital building and the residential patient ward where as you've heard, Josie stays. Celestial Falls General Hospital has made it unbearingly annoying to have located the ER right next to the patient wards. Imagine hysterical people shrieking in pain a block away from you. Yeah it can be a pain in the neck but she constantly reminds herself that they are going through blood curdling pain.

Bored. Insanely. Josie was just not in the mood to sit in bed with her laptop rested on her and watch the most pointless YouTube videos out of sheer boredom. It's surprisingly, a decent day for a walk. And a walk is all it can be. CDH just doesn't allow her to jog or run or raise her heartbeat that fast. It kind of sucks when the only physical exercise you can do is either water aerobics with some of the more senior patients or yoga with again, senior patients. She wonders why they could've just moved her to the children's hospital. She'd much more likely prefer children over sickly old people. Not that there's anything wrong with old people. They just tend to think you're a nurse or keep quiet and not socialize. Josie looks exactly like a normal teenager but only on the outside. Having diseases change you and limit your physical capabilities.

The young girl shuffled off her bed and threw on a light beige jumper and black leggings in place of her sleepwear. Taking her journal, she ripped off a page and wrote down: Gone to Knightley Memorial Garden, be back before lunch. - J.C.

With that she stuck it in her name card on the front of her room and left.

The walk is short. The gardens are directly opposite the ward and memorialize the founder of the hospital, James Knightley. She enters the gardens that are secured behind black steel gates. With the swipe of her patient access card, she strolls through merrily. It's a sweet paradise of blossoming colours and earthy scents. The ground is grainy and holds benches here and there. Sitting down on one, she reaches into her satchel and pulls out her journal.

November 7th 2015

I can't recall the last time I've seen a boy so pretty. I'm only writing about this now because it's so obviously embarrassing to find the man taking care of you and nursing you back to health sort of cute.

Yes, he's an adult and probably twice as mature as I am. He's never really sat down with me to chat. Usually it's only about how I'm feeling physically and what my health state is but not today. He actually wants to know me as more than his sick patient with a flipping heart disease.

I can tell by the way he holds himself. He's a strong and intelligent man that knows himself and found his way to his career with the most clear path you could ever lay bricks on. I think I kind of fancy him but not enough to be like "I want to be his girlfriend! Oh what a marvelous day.." That just never happens so let's not come to that conclusion... Just yet.

Harry Styles. His name even sounds pretty. What's interesting is how young he is. Honestly. He must be amazing at what he does to make it this far and I'm lucky to have him as my doctor considering he does a good job at preventing me from wheezing when my chest thumps violently. The treatments he gives me are simple and not too much of a hassle. I bless him.

I only have a month left staying at the hospital. I hope it runs by fast but who knows if I'll still know him after. I can only hope that we either keep in touch after or not talk at all so I won't miss him so much.

That's all I have to say really. I can't write everyday because everyday seems like every other day. When was the last time someone ever liked me? I don't think he'd be interested. Whatever. I've got other things to think about other than his flawless face and adorable personality. Not really.

Here's to my better health,
- J.C.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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