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"Someone! Someone! Please help!" The woman screamed with fear burning in her eyes. "You need to help her!" The ER was silent whilst her voice screeched through hallways and corridors. "Tell me what's wrong with her please!" And finally, doctors came running through after hearing an echo of agony ring in ears. She was young, she was beautiful. She was a CHD patient.

The doctors came running towards the woman who was hopelessly carrying this skinny and limp girl in her weak arms that looked brittle to the bone. "Hello Madam, could you briefly explain the situation." The person of authority grabbed her off as the stretcher came rolling ferociously by. The lady struggled to get the words to slip off her tongue. Her eyes flinched to see the pale girl being lifted onto the bed. "Sh-. She. She collapsed. And I-. I think she had a heart attack..." She began to sob. The man averted his attention to the nurse who was prepping the stretcher and alerted her at once. "Take her into radiology, we're suspecting a minor heart attack." The nurses in blue begun to roll her off through throwing doors and the woman chased after her. "Wait! You can't go in there!" The doctor pushed her lightly.

"She's my daughter, Josephine Clementine, and I can't help but have this motherly need to see to my daughter!" She wrestled with her fierce words. Nothing hurt a mother more than this.

"I assure you she's going to be fine, Mrs Clementine. You need to take a deep breath and stay calm." He soothed. "I'm Dr Styles."

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