
Oh god I hope someone can save me.

"Tch" law let out from the wall he was leaning on.

"Sorry I can't, my friends are waiting for me and skipping school doesn't interest me so you can let go of me" I tried talking to him.

Stay calm luffy, stay calm..
I lowered my head as I looked at the floor, he's got me trapped.

"Come on ba-" kid didn't get the chance to finish before someone interrupted him.

"You heard her kid, leave her alone or your going to be the one that ends up in the hospital" Said a stern voice and a very familiar one.

Could it be..?

I looked up to see him.

"ZORO!" I yelled. Gosh I wanted to cry, I sometimes hate players, they do nothing but break and use people.

"Ugh! Well if it isn't Roronoa zoro, came here to save your girlfriend or what? " kid said which made me blush a bit, his hold on my waist tightend making me let out a quiet whimper.

"That's right. Now let her go" what zoro said made me blush even more. I made eye contact with him to see his expression, he only gave me a wink.

But it was a finally over when Ms. Lola decided to come out of her classroom and save me but she gave detention to both kid and law and even zoro...

I walked alongside zoro to where our group can be but I decided to talk a bit.

"Thank you zoro for kinds saving me.. "I thanked him.

" I couldn't just ignore you and leave you there plus I was trying to look for swirly brows"

"You sure? Or did you just get lost again?" I giggled at the last part, sanji says zoro gets lost a lot which is why they aren't always together in a duo.

"Shut up! Good thing I was there or else who knows what they could've done to you" the green haired male said as he let out a sigh.

"Yeah your right, thank you again zoro!" Now I know why he looked so familiar the first time I saw him. I think sanji uploaded a video to his ig of him and zoro.

"Yeah, no problem"

We both walked in silence as I led the way since zoro clearly isn't capable of going somewhere without getting us lost. I then realized that I never said sorry to him...

"I'm also sorry, because of me you have detention... " I felt guilty.

"Don't worry about it, I always get detention so this is nothing new to me. I think I saw the group at the same place from Friday" zoro then looked down at me and gave me a smile before he went back to look where we were going.

I smiled back. I didn't feel that guilty now, knowing this isn't his first time being in trouble.

I saw the doors that lead to outside. I was going to open it but zoro beat me to it.

"After you" zoro said as he opened the door and let me pass him

What a gentleman..

I blushed a bit but since I'm a bit tan I don't think it was noticed.

"Thank you... " I let out with a shaky voice, I don't like being this dense. I stood outside for a bit for him to come back to my side since I'm not the type to leave anyone out. He quickly went to my side as we both looked at each other then nodded.

I held his black jansport backpack as we soon saw our group.

"Where were you luffy?! Did taking a shit really take that long!? Uta partically screamed at me with the sound of annoyed in her voice.

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