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"So what do you think ace? Yamato? Would you like to come with me and uta to our school festival? Since both of our parents are going busy, why not get distracted a little and have some fun, somewhere where we're not inside this boring mansion." Luffy told ace about her idea but who knows if they were listening, well....yamato looks like he's listening but them being the good trained dog that he is, won't speak until ace gives out her word. Ace on the other hand, was too busy doing something on her computer, while smoking a cigarette... So.... It's complicated to know it when heard a single word luffy even talked about.

Everyone stared at Ace, waiting for her response.

Luffy, Yamato and Ace are the only ones present in the big mansion. Uta and shanks went shopping or maybe exploring in the city so they can get to know it better. So it was only them three and like always, they are in Ace's room because why not?

"Sure, I'll go, what about you yamo?" Ace said as she took a hit of her cigarette and held it as she stopped typing in her computer and gazed at Yamato waiting for his answer.

"Yes! Of course I want to go!I don't think I've gone to a festival since I was ten! I'm so happy right now that I couldn't care less!! " Yamato yelled out with tears of joy streaming down his face.

Both luffy and ace gave each other this look before ace nodded her head.

"How come you stopped going to festivals yamo?" Ace questioned, feeling worried about her dear friend.

Yamato wiped his tears away from his face as he soon calmed down and had enough courage to face the two cousins. He turned around to face them but felt a sad about this story he was going to tell them so he looked down to where the fluffy carpet is.
"Well, me and my father who I don't recognize as a father anymore. We use to go to a lot of festivals, just me and him spending some quality time together buy I guess monkey can change people because he barely acknowledge my existence... So I decided to get a job since my dad hardly gave me any money and I wasn't fed plus I didn't have anyone that could take me to school since there aren't any school's where I live, but I only waste my money when I'm bored, that's when I decide to waste it."Yamato looked up and gave a weak smile to both, luffy and ace.

" you have a horrible dad Yamato " luffy spoke up from the silence.

"I know... " Yamato replied a bit sad from the voice she used.

But then luffy decided to talk again.
"Since your already 28, you should come live with us! After all, your here 24/7 so your already part of the family! " the raven hair girl said as she made a fist with one of her hands and punched it to her other hand that was flat, and so she kinda did a weird high five.

Ace knows how smart luffy is so she wouldn't blurt out things just like that, which means her cousin must be on to something. Ace observed yamato's reaction to see what her reply might be. Her cigarette was worn out long ago while her computer work was forgotten.

"I'll give it some time since this must is a difficult choice to make" Yamato finally said followed by a sigh, "thank you luffy" a smile appeared on his face, this seems like a nice offer but he might be a bother to the family which is why he needs to think about it.

"Take your time! I know I just gave you this really pent up choice." Luffy said as she gave him her reassuring smile.

"Luffy's right, take your time since there's no need to rush anything." The freckled women said as she also gave a reassuring smile.

"Thanks girls! I'll have to ask kaido that I'm no longer going to live with him" the white haired said.

"So is that a yes!?!? " both luffy and ace said excitedly.

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