"Let's all calm down and take a breather. I can tell most of you have grievances with him but let's deal with it after watching." Elysia said with the most charming smile she mustered, calming them down to an extent.

"Your right. Elysia wasn't that your name fellow Her-

"Elysia that's right, you got it!" She happily interrupted, after all, she didn't want her identity to be revealed

"I see. You are correct though we should wait. Though I can't wait until I spear him limb by limb, to see his face despair, then I'll..." The Herrscher of Void continued to think of more ways to torture the blonde man with an ecstatic blushing face.

Elysia looked up at the Overseer with a smile but he face palm at the situation.


A blonde man was sitting alone all by himself in the far corner with a blank look.

Yup, that's me, you might be wondering how I got into this situation.

To abridge it very precisely, I simped so hard, I transcended reality to reach a tree to resurrect my childhood friend who was already taken by a pink-haired shrine maiden, how very "unfortunate".

Now I am in a theater sitting with my lonesome self.

Well, not exactly, my de facto daughter Bianka, my dear maid Rita, and my old friend Sushang were sitting behind me watching me like a hawk.

Strangely Sushang unironic was acting very suspiciously, secretly taking pictures of me, thinking I wouldn't notice, suspicious indeed.

After Elysia's half-successful attempt to save me from getting jumped, there was a happy atmosphere with all the Reunions happening.

"Cecilia!" Siegfried shouted out while running toward her and hugged his dear wife. The Schariac hugged him back with a young Kiana Kalsana joining in as well. A certain purple pufferfish was looking at the family hug with longing eyes, Cecilia noticed this and brought her in, giving her the warmth she lost. Then came a tuna fish calling Siegfried a stinky old man but joined in.

The Flamechasers met up with Mei with her Herrscher of Origin Battlesuit, from the looks of it Elysia was extremely excited since the purple-haired girl was using her power to save Humanity, Vill-V, and Mobius were interested in how it worked, showing they wanted to see how it worked, Kalpas as he always is wanted to fight her, KEVIN congratulated her for defeating him even though it was a Three V. One I might add, Grieso made a painting for her, the rest of them continued to talk with her.

Though Mobius looked in my direction and... how should I say it had the face that screamed white van and candy. I'll just ignore that for the time being.

Bronya approached her adoptive Mother or Babushka, Cocolia, and the rest of her sisters from the Orphanage, Seele bear-hugged the Herrscher, Rozaliya loudly wanted Bronya to sing with her and Liliya, then lastly Sin Mal looked at the scene with a hesitant smile.

How wholesome but I ruined it with my face, and those who knew who was I, looked at me like they wanted to murder me. 

Especially, the Herrschers of Void, Thunder, and Sentience, then there's Fu Hua, most of the Kaslana, Cecilia, I think Seele would count, Sirin, and her friend Bella. 

I lost how many people I pissed off but it's clear I am a master of making people want me buried two feet into the ground.

Which was pretty understandable since I pretty much "ruined" their lives and the Gaslighting too, the good old Gaslighting with a hint of Fenghuang Down.

But it all worked out, thankfully Elysia the nice person she is helped defuse the situation though it didn't work completely.

Sentience didn't care much but looked at me with a manic grin, I ignored it and looked in the direction of Kallen and Yae Sakura happily together with a "saddened" expression, the Herrscher had a smug smile noticing what was in my sight and looked away before giving me the middle finger.

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