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"Teeth." The sound of the fabric of the dowager princess dress rustled as she walked stopping in front of me. Tilting my head slightly throwing a look over to Demetrius and Richard. They both smiled as the dowager princess repeated herself again. Humming to herself after having seen my teeth.

"Hands." Placing my hands out for her as she looked over them once again humming to herself. "You have good hips. You will make lots of babies. This is good...that's your job. As many babies as possible for my son." She spoke as she paced back and forth stopping in front of me once more. Taking in a deep breath before replying. "Yes, Your Highness...will I be introduced to his majesty soon or..." I was cut off by her raising her hand. "Brimsely. Take Charlotte to the seamstress, so we can have her gown fitted." Looking over to my brothers and back to the dowager princess.

"Oh, no need. I brought my wedding gown. 'Tis quite a perfect fit." Giving her a smile bringing my hands together in front of me. "But we have provided a gown for you." She spoke and turned towards me. "My gown was designed just for the wedding, in Paris. The lace is handmade by nuns. The modiste called it à la mode." thinking about the dress couldn't do it justice. "Our gown is traditional. Simple. It will be better." She spoke slowly.

"Better?" I asked. "I have not seen this other wedding dress you speak of, but a traditional English gown will not carry all of the fuss and the frills that the European gown you currently have on does, for instance. The traditional gown will be more in our fashion... for our family." I nodded my head remembering my brother's words. " Oh. Yes, of course." Agreeing with her and letting out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Well done. And we shall see you at the ceremony sister." Demetrius walked past me as Richard stopped and kissed me on my cheek before following Demetrius. "No wait." I turned as the doors closed noticing the man who was supposed to take me to my fitting. Walking out the door towards the staircase. Once halfway up the staircase, I stopped. "Your Highness?" He queried watching me as I faced him.

"Walk with me. I have questions." turning to walk up the stairs. " That is not how it's done, Your Highness." I stopped and tilted my head. "You walk there, and I walk back here Your Highness," he explained. "You cannot walk with me?" I asked still confused. "I'm always with you, Your Highness, five paces behind." Brimsely clarified. "Five paces behind?" Dropping my hands by my side. "Five paces behind." He turned and shuffled down the steps five paces.

"Always?" I continued to ask these questions. "Always, Your Highness" He insisted. " You are always there, behind me, just... all the time?" I slowed my speech trying to understand this. "Whenever you need me, Your Highness." He replied. "What is your name?" I asked not remembering it. "Brimsley, Your Highness," he answered as we continued up the stairs. "Brimsley. Tell me about the King." I demanded as we climbed the stairs. " He is the King, Your Highness. "giving a short answer not answering my question at all. "Yes. And?" I urged him to continue. "He is the ruler of Great Britain and Ireland. And the colonies, Your Highness. He has been Monarch since October with the death of his grandfather." He listed facts about the king not what I wanted to know still.

"Brimsley, you've told me he is the king, he is the ruler, and he is the monarch. Those are all the same things." I started turning to face him. "They are all facts, Your Highness." He took another five paces back down the stairs.


"Is he handsome? Is he kind? Is he funny? Is he warm? Well-read? Artistic? Athletic?" I asked as I listed some things hoping to get information about the king. "We can discuss the order of the matrimonial ceremony." one of the ladies spoke. "Is he ugly? Perhaps deformed in some way because beauty is inside. Well, it is certainly not inside, but I am a good person and shall overcome." Now I was going on a rant as I looked to the lady on my right who turned and looked at Brimsely shortly.

"The Archbishop sent over some verses for Your Highness..." she spoke as she returned to the dress. Is he dull? Not very smart? Mentally slow?" I continued to list off.

I can work on those...You can tell me. Is he cruel?" I looked back at the lady. You're going to have wonderful children together, Your Highness." She smiled. I let out a sigh and turned my head towards Brimsley. "You said you're going to always be with me, Brimsley?" He nodded. "Yes, your highness."

"I need to... use the chamber pot. Are you with me for that too?" Trying to keep my voice steady holding my hands together to stop them from shaking.

His mouth opened and closed before finally giving an answer to my question. "Uh...withdraw! Her Royal Highness requires privacy." He tensed and awkwardly shuffled out of the room alone with the ladies.

I walked over to the window and looked out. Looking around I found another door quietly making my way out and down the stairs avoiding people. The chattering got louder as I walked closer I saw all the people in the church. Sitting and standing gossiping amongst each other.

I turned and continued out as I walked around. The thoughts in my head are enough to drown two hundred people. Turning into the garden I walked along its path as I thought about my chances and life if I fled. Looking to my left there was a flower-covered wall.

Walking up to the wall pulling on the roots that grow across and over it to see if it holds any weight. "Stupid dress." Pulling up the skirt in one hand as I grabbed the roots in the other trying to hoist myself up but alas it didn't work.

Taking a step back looking at the roots as I kicked off the ridiculous shoes. "Hello, my lady are you in need of any assistance of some kind?" I didn't spare a glance as I walked around my shoes and pulled on the roots again. "Uh I'm quite fine, thank you very much. You can go back inside and wait with all the other gawkers in the church." I spoke as I let go of the roots once more as my hand started shaking.

"I...will but first I'm curious. What are you doing?" The man's voice asked. "Nothing," I replied letting out yet another sigh. "You're doing something." He interjected. "I am not." I turned to throw him a glance

"You are." I could hear his footsteps as he walked closer. "I am not." I dismissed his claims. "You are." We've been going back and forth like children. The sounds of the bells tolling made me look towards the church. "If you must know I'm trying to ascertain the best way to climb over the garden wall," I stated.

"Climb?" I could hear the confusion in his voice. "Whatever for?" He asked. "I think he may be a beast," I answered. "A beast?" I ignored him. "Or a troll." I included thinking it over. "Who are we discussing?" He queried.

"Oh well, that's impertinent. None of your business" I spoke throwing him another glance. "The King no one will speak of him... He is clearly a beast or a troll." I replied.

"Understood." He stated. Looking back over the wall once more. "You know if I grab there...Yes!! You could assist me by lifting me up." I clapped my hands as I reached out for the roots. "Uh..one question. Do you not like beasts or trolls? What he looks like matters?" He questioned.

"I do not care what he looks like. What I do not like is not knowing. Now here just take hold here and with a lift I believe I can make it over the garden wall." I replied gesturing to my hips as I grabbed the roots.

"You want me to lift you over the wall so you may escape?" He asked. He really does ask too many questions. "That is what I said now make haste." Reaching up on the garden wall. " People will notice you are missing. Will they not?" He asked. "I shall worry about that later. Now if you, please...Now if you please I just need a little help with this wall." I spoke grabbing onto the roots once more.

"I have absolutely no intention of helping you." What I wanted to know is why didn't he say this before. Getting off the wall turning to face him. The little glances I took did him no justice. He looks so handsome. "I'm a lady in distress. You refuse to help a lady in distress?" I asked stepping closer to him almost chest to chest. "I refuse when that lady in distress is trying to go over a wall so that she does not have to marry me." He raised his eyes towards me. Lifting my hand to my mouth taking a couple of steps back tripping over my shoes stumbling I felt an arm wrap around me stabling me so as to not fall.

"Hello, Josephine...I'm George."


To be continued

I will proofread it later

sorry it took so long I finally got a job!


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