The Beginning

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"Josephine!" The sound of boots hitting the ground and the rustling of the tall grass. "Josephine Elise you stop walking this instant!" Turning to face him chest heaving in anger as I looked him in the eye. "Demetrius you can't be serious." The sound of footsteps approaching was getting louder.

"Joe come now." Richard beckoned me. Throwing Demetrius a look before brushing pass him. "Joe the carriage to London is waiting. Demetrius is stern but he means well for you and me. We are a tiny province in Ireland sister. Ireland is apart of his kingdom." Richard took my hands running his thumbs over my hands in comfort.

"I'm sorry sister I promise I'll be there for you whenever you need me like you were there for me." Taking my hands from him placing them on his cheeks. "I'm not mad at you Richard. I'm mad at our brother for keeping something this big from me especially when it involves me." Giving him a smile. 

This is just a little background

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This is just a little background. I hope y'all like it! Chapter one should be out later today.

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