Chapter Nine: An Arrival

ابدأ من البداية

He picked up the pace then stopped abruptly when he heard the most beautiful laughter in the world. It chimed through the halls and was clear as a bell. He had never heard something as genuine as this before, it was the sound of pure happiness to his ears.

He desperately wished he could capture this feeling of joy that it stirred in him, bottle it up and take it home, so that he might never have to feel sadness again.

He was pulled out of his trance when the laughter stopped, and realized the voices were growing distant from one another. It sounded like one of them was leaving. Then he heard a door loudly click shut, and footsteps followed soon after.

Now's your chance he thought, find that person and ask for directions back to your room. He ran forward and saw a woman quickly take a turn at the corner.

Both were coming too fast, Adrien couldn't slow himself down fast enough. They crashed directly into one another.

"I'm so sorry, are you alright? I didn't see you there." The stranger quickly scrambled to her feet, and held her hand out for him to take.

"I'm alright, thank you." He stood up, brushing the dust off his clothing.

He looked at the girl, she had copper skin and brown hair, and wore an orange, white, and black dress. It was simple but pretty.

"Oh, do you happen to work or live here? You see I'm a little lost, and I can't find my way back to my room." He hoped she wouldn't scold him for walking around the palace.

"Yes I do work here, I'd be glad to show you back to your room. If I could just get your name, then I'll be able to direct you back to your sleeping quarters."

She was so kind and helpful, Adrien was surprised that he wasn't in trouble.

"Yes certainly, my name is Adrien Agreste." He put on the best smile he could, secretly wondering if she was the one with the beautiful laughter.

"Of course, your highness Agreste. I know exactly where your sleeping quarters are, if you would please follow me." She started walking in the direction where she came from.

"Thank you, for your help Lady..." He waited for a response.

"Alya, and I'm not quite a lady yet." She kept her eyes forward.

As they walked past the second door in the hallway, he noticed her eyes flick momentarily in the direction of the door. He wondered if that was where she came from, and if the second voice was still in there.

"You're not a lady yet?" He asked hoping he wasn't imposing or offending her.

"Um, no. For now I'm still just a servant." She looked a little uncomfortable, but hid it well.

Adrien hadn't had a conversation with anyone who wasn't his father or servants in a few months, so he was enjoying this slightly awkward interaction. His social skills were a little rusty and he wasn't doing a very good job at reading her emotions so he continued to prod.

"So you will become a lady, would that be to the princess?" He had an innocent curious look on his face.

Alya hesitated to respond but decided that this line of questioning was harmless.

"Yes, her royal highness, princess Marinette Dupain-Cheng has graciously allowed me to become her first lady. I am very grateful for her kindness and generosity." Her eyes seemed to sparkle with a fondness when she spoke about the princess.

"She sounds like a wonderful person."

"She is." Her eyes softened and a rosy glow came to her cheeks.

My One, My Onlyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن