Tom Kaulitz ~ Period (fluff)

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I'm finally posting! This was a request, but I'm not sure this is exactly what they wanted. But I tried 😘 I also might do a Bill smut. If you guys want. Anyway hope you enjoy.

Y/n's pov:

"I hate being a woman" I groan, I curl up in a ball on the bed. Tom was out with some of his friends and I'm here. In pain, alone.

I get up, looking for something that will help with these cramps. "Where does he keep his painkillers?" I dig through his stuff, still not finding anything.

I pick up a few thing putting them back 'May as well clean up' I thought. I walked around trying to get my mind off of the pain.

I go to the kitchen looking for the garbage bags. I find them, under his sink. Walking back I realized that his room smells. I go to the bathroom next to his room picking up the Febreze.

I start picking up clothes, dishes and garbage. I don't know when Tom was going to clean up but I couldn't stand the mess.

I hear the front door open, I walk out of Toms room and see Tom with two plastic bags in his hands. "What's in those?" He puts the bags down and walks up to me. He pulled me into a hug, "Stuff for you and for a movie night"

"Stuff for me?" He nods, I pulls me closer putting his head on mine. "You ok?" He doesn't respond. He putts his hands around my waist.

We stay there for a couple of minutes until my cramps get worse. "I hate cramps" I groan pulling away from Tom. I walk over to the bags, looking for my favourite candy. I see painkillers, pads, and some other stuff.

I feel Toms arms go around my waist now putting his head in my shoulder. "Thanks Tommy" I grab some candy out of the other bag. "I told you to stop calling me that"

I take the bag and walk over to the couch, "Can you stop walking away" I hear Tom whine. "No. Get out of those clothes and come watch some movies. You got the snacks for this reason" he sighs loudly walking to his room, stomping his feet like a child.

I roll my eyes, walk over to the book shelf with all the dvds. I picked Evil dead and walk to the dvd player. Tom walks back in the living room with Pjs on. I smile putting in the dvd. "You clean my room?" I nod.

I walk back to the couch, patting the seat beside me. He walks over to me, pulling me close to him. "You still have cramps?"

"I literally said I hate cramps 5 minutes ago, what do you think?" He rolls his eyes. "You don't have to be rude about it"

"Whatever" I pull out starbursts from the bag. "Evil dead again?" I nod putting a starburst in my mouth. He he pulls me closer so that I'm on his chest.

"I love you" Tom says, I smile. "Should have put on something more romantic, I love you too Tommy" he groans again. "Stop calling me Tommy!" I laugh, kissing him. I lay back in his chest. Paying attention to the movie.

This really sucked. I'm sorry 😭 this was really short, but I didn't really have any ideas so. But I hope that you enjoy this imagine. More are coming. Not gonna lie. This was kind of confusing, but that's fine

I'm working on a Georg imagine. Again, still not knowing where it's going. 👍 byeeeee

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