cornmaze part 1

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Summary: Everyone goes to a cornmaze in 3 teams and have to get out of said cornmaze 😊

*With Team 2*

Jonah: Okay, Adam, you lead the way!

Adam: Why me?

Jonah: because you're the tallest, now start walking.

Adam: M'kay.

*After 5 solid minutes of straight left turns and the occasional right turn*

Sarah: Ugh, Adam, Where the hell are you taking us?!

Adam: How the hell do you expect me to know?!

Sarah: Just tell us what turns you've been taking for most of the time!

Adam: Left turns! Anytime you take right turns in films, you'll die or end up getting stuck so I'm trusting left turns, Sarah!

*An awkward silence would fill the area before Jonah spoke*

Jonah: Bro, you watched The Maze and now you act like you're a fucking genius about corn maze's-


*With Team 3*

*Dave, Ruth and Thatcher are sitting in a triangle, thinking of ways to get out*

Dave: Oh! I have an Idea!

Ruth: Well, tell us!

Dave: Okay, here me out.. I sit on Ruth's shoulders and lead us to the exit!

Thatcher: Ya sure that could work?

Ruth: I mean.. we can try!

*After they get the plan set up*

Dave: Alright! Wow I feel like I can see the entire world up here.. woah..

Ruth: First turn?

Dave: Oh, uh.. I think we take a right turn!

Thatcher: Okay, this plan somehow sounds reasonable.

*With Team 1*

*These guys have given up a long while ago, so they're just sitting in a circle, or triangle, contemplating.*

Mark: Why did we even agree to this? We don't even know what we get when we get out!

Cesar: Yeah, I could've been at home watching the new episode of El Dia Del Payaso! But, no, I had to think that this would be fun!


*Back with team 2*

*Sarah in now leading the group*

Sarah: Alright, I think that we should just take turns we believe that's correct.

Adam: Why don't we just walk through the corn?!

Jonah: Because that's cheating and cheating isn't fun during cornmaze's

Adam: Jonah, how many cornmaze's have you done??

Sarah: Adam be quiet!

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