Mediterranean Homesick Blues

Start from the beginning

MacArthur: Saw this in a movie once! Hold on!

Jerks the steering wheel in a direction, the car spins past traffic and into a parking spot, MacArthur wooping all the way, she gets out and writes a ticket

This is for parking in a fire zone!

She slaps the ticket onto the car windshield

Sanders confessional: Can you give a ticket outside your district?

MacArthur holds up a ticket

Sanders confessional: What? What's this? *She reads it* Excessive complaining. That is not an actual offense! 

Cut back to the Don Box, the Reality TV Pros collect their tip and get a move on

Don: While Owen and Noah are the last to take off from the starting line, the first seven teams are about to leave the station,

Dwayne Jr: C'mon, dad!

Dwayne catches up barely, he is panting and out of breath, the train whistles and takes off, more cars trace down the streets of Paris

Don: More teams race to catch the next train south!

Cut to inside the Fashion Bloggers cab, they are fixing their hair and makeup

Jen: The south of French is where the most glamorous people hang out! It's like Paris, with glossier lipsticks.

Tom: OH NO!

He begins rummaging through his bag

Tom: Please, please, please tell me I have it! *Sighs* Got it.

He pulls up a can of spray, offers some to Jen

Tom: Spray tan?

Jen: You even have to ask?

Tom sprays a tan gas all over her, it spreads throughout the car, leaving a trail of spray as they pass more cabs, cut to inside the Geniuses cab

Mary: Take lefran to canal-

Ellody: Canal to germain-

Mary: Germain to belmont-

Ellody: Turn left on the branch-

Mary: Reverse onto bureau-

Ellody and Mary: And u-turn back to the grand sount dunkirk! 

Ellody confessional: We weren't exactly "popular" in high school, but memorizing the street maps of every urban center is just as fun as going to parties!

Mary confessional: Or dates, or being a cheerleader, or taking non-science electives, or-

Ellody confessional: Our choices are paying off! WE can outthink all the other teams.

Mary confessional: Boom.

Cut to Lorenzo admiring a poster, Chet catches up to him, out of breath and sweating, Lorenzo blows a raspberry as him

Lorenzo: I took the subway, HE took a taxi!

Chet: Can you tell Lorenzo that the time he wasn't with me was the BEST part of the trip so far?!

Lorenzo: Oh, yeah?!? Please tell Chet that before HE was in my life was the best part of my LIFE so far!

Chet shoves him off screen, Lorenzo retaliates and shoves him off screen, Chet tackles them both of screen punches and grunts can be heard as they wrestle, back in one of the cabs, Kitty holds her phone up to the driver

Kitty: Hey, could you take a picture of me and my sister?

Emma: This is a RACE, Kit, not a vacay!

Kitty pulls her into a hug anyway

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