Chapter 7: 12 Grimmault Place

Start from the beginning

You bite your bottom lip, glancing down at the dusty dark green runner on the wooden floor. You don't dare to look up, afraid of what Sirius' expression will be. "Uncle Lucious and Aunt Narcissa Malfoy", you admit in a small voice.

Going up another set of stairs, Sirius hums. "So, you're not Cissy's kid. And there is no way they would take in Andy's. So that means you are..."

He stops a couple steps up from you, turning around to look at you. Truly look at you. And he sees the true resemblance. There are no words needed, you understand what he implicates.

"Why aren't you called Lestrange then?" Sirius is blunt, an abhor for his cousin clearly in his eyes.

You know it's best to lie until you know he is safe to trust. And he won't murder you. Or call someone who will. "Because Rodolphus Lestrange isn't my father. I don't know who it is. Nobody knows, only Bellatrix. And she's locked up."

It's an easy lie. One you've told many, many times. It's a lie that seems to satisfy Sirius.

He nods and continues his trek up the stairs, you in tow. He stops at a door and opens it. The door creaks and the room behind is dark and dusty. Nobody has lived in this house for a long time. And it shows. Everything is hanging on threads, from the curtains to the cushions on the bed. Mould grows on the ceiling and some floorboards look like they are ready to cave in if you even look at them.

"It's not much, but it's the best room so far", admits Sirius sheepishly.

You turn towards your cousin and smile. "It's great. Thank you. For letting me stay here during Christmas."

Sirius gives you a small smile, "it was no problem. I like the company. I'll leave you alone to it. To unpack and such. Feel free to roam around, no room is off-limits. I only ask you to knock on the doors before entering."

You nod and Sirius takes his leave, disappearing down the creaking staircase.

Closing the door behind you, you throw your suitcase on the bed. A dust cloud pouffes up and you cough. You open the curtains and open the window as wide as it goes, letting the fresh air fill the room.

A large four-poster bed is placed in the middle of the room against the wall, and an ottoman is at the foot of the bed. A desk is under the window with a chair. On the other side of the room, next to the oaken closet, is a reading chair that would have been quite comfortable before the moths have taken over.

The colours of the room remind you of your dorm: dark, almost black wood and dark green colours. Obviously has House Black been a proud Slytherin family.

After unpacking and somewhat un-dusting the bed, you peek your head outside of the room, listening. The house creaks and groans, as if it breathes. They say a house lives after many generations have stayed in it.

You're out to find the bathroom, a nifty thing if you have to pee in the night. You do as Sirius has said, and knock on the first door you want to open, waiting for a second or two out of respect, before you open it slowly. Another bedroom.

After two more doors, you've found the bathroom. It's like the rest of the house; dark, dusty, and mouldy. But the water is running and even some hot wat streams out of the faucet after a minute. So that's good.

Making your way downstairs ─ leaving the exploring to another day ─ you end up in a large formal room with a family tree as wallpaper. Some faces are blacked out, and you trace the spot above Sirius' name.

"My mother did that."

You jump up in the air and turn around to face Sirius with wide eyes, your heart beating in your throat. Sirius says nothing but comes to stand next to you, his hands in the pockets of his trousers.

"The night I ran away to stay with the Potters, my mother erased me from the family tree. She has done the same to Andy." He points to another burn mark, between your mother and your aunt. Do you have another aunt?

"Why?", is all you ask.

The answer is simple. "Andromeda married a muggle-born."

Your eyes travel around the room, seeing not many blackened portraits. Looking back to Andromeda, you spot your mother. And under her...

"That's me." You reach out and touch your portrait. It's quite nicely done. "Is it enchanted?", you question.

Sirius nods. "One of our ancestors did many, many years ago. We don't even know anymore."

He suddenly straightens his back and turns towards you. "I've made some lunch. Do you want to join me?" Sirius looks unsure.

You smile up at him heartily. "I would love to."

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