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It turned out that Lily's biological parents had been involved in a cult that believed in sacrificing their children to appease their gods When the authorities had raided the cult, they had found Lily and her twin sister alive but abandoned Lily's adoptive parents had taken her in, but her twin sister had never been found. As Lily dug deeper, she uncovered more and more disturbing details about her past.
She started to feel like she was being watched, like someone was following her every move She began to see strange symbols As Lily dug deeper, she uncovered more and more disturbing details about her past.
She started to feel like she was being watched, like someone was following her every move She began to see strange symbols etched into the walls of her house, and she heard whispers in the middle of the night One day, Lily received a package in the mail. Inside was a note from her biological mother that read,
"We never forgot about you, Lily.
We've been watching you, waiting for the right time to come for you." The note was signed with a symbol that Lily recognized from her nightmares - the symbol of the cult. Now, Lily is living in fear, never knowing when her biological family will come for her. She can't trust anyone, not even her adoptive parents, who she now suspects may have been involved in the cult all along. Lily spends her nights awake, waiting for the inevitable She knows that her story will not end well, but she must keep fighting for her survival, no matter how terrifying the truth may be.

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