She then knocked Buzz over, and said, "Oops."

She then picked him up, and set him right next to Jessie, and put their hands together.

"There you go."

Amy then looked up on the shelf, and saw Titan right next to Ruby.

"How did you get up there?"

She looked at them, and smiled, "I guess you just want to keep her safe. Don't worry, I'm not planning on selling her just because she's broken."

She then noticed Wheezy, and took him down.

"Bye Titan, Bye Ruby."

When Amy left, the two toys watched as she left.

"Wheezy!" said Titan.

"I got it," said Ruby. She then whistled for Daphne.

The little hybrid dog came rushing in, excited. Titan first jumped onto Daphne successfully. Ruby however wasn't lucky. Then she tried to get down but she slipped but Titan made sure to catch him.

"Okay girl, to the Yard sale!"

So, Daphne carried the two toys out the door, and outside. The two hid on each side of the dog, as she acted casual.

In the bedroom, Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Bullseye, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Arcee, Ratchet, Sally, Mater, McQueen, Doc, Omega, Corx, Predatron and Lenny all looked out the window. Optimus picked up Lenny, and looked through them.

"Where are they!?" asked Optimus.

Ruby and Titan made it to the table, and made sure to keep out of sight. Soon they reached the box, and Ruby climbed in.

"She's getting in the box!!" said Indo.

"Come on Ruby," said Slinky, "Your worth far more than that!"

"Wait hold on," said Optimus, "she's got something."

Optimus then saw Titan holding Wheezy.

"It's Wheezy!!!"

"Wheezy!!?" exclaimed the others.

"It's not suicide," cheered McQueen, "It's a rescue!!"

Soon, the three toys were heading back on Daphne, but Wheezy started to slip. Just then, Daphne jumped, and Ruby lost her grip. Titan tried to grab her but failed. She then fell and sees Titan, Daphne and Wheezy entering back inside the house. Just then, a kid came, and she went limp.

Just then, a kid came, and he went limp.

"Mommy look at this! Mommy look at this doll!"

"Hey, that's not her toy!" said Predatron.

"No no no no no no no no no no no no no!" said Optimus.

"What in tarnation do you think you're doing kid!?" asked Mater.

"Mommy, Mommy, can we get it, please!?!"

The mother then looked at Ruby, and said, "Oh sweetie, you don't want it, it's broken."

She then threw her away, and made a clang thanks to her Crescent Rose. 

A man heard it, and turned to her and gasped. "A red cape that is a hood as well, black and dark red hair."

The man then noticed Ruby's right arm was ripped a bit, and said, "ripped arm, easily fixable."

"Now only if you had your red expandable-" As he said that but then saw Crescent Rose on her back.


Just then Amy came up, and said, "Can I help you sir?"

"Yes," said Oemga, "You can help getting his hands off my brother's girlfriend!"

"Oh, I'm a collector, and I was wondering how much is she?"

"How did she get down here?"

"That's right," said Optimus, "Just give her the huntress."

"Um, five dollars? Huh?"

"I'm sorry, she's not for sale."

"Fifty. I can give you Fifty dollars for her!"

"Fifty bucks ain't bad," said Potato Head to Hamm.

"Yeah," said Hamm.

"Sir, she's not for sale, and that's final!!"

Amy then locked Ruby in the chest, and the man was about to leave, but he tripped on a skateboard.

"Wait, he's doing something!" said Optimus. Then man then kicked the board back, and made a crash noise. Amy went to clean it up, as the man took Ruby. Buzz, Woody, Jessie, Bullseye, Optimus and Omega then jumped out, taking a huge risk.

Amy, who had just cleaned up the mess, looked at the chest, and saw the man getting away.

"Hey! Get back here!" She then saw Buzz, Woody and Jessie riding on Bullseye, Optimus in his vehicle mode and Omega running really fast and they were moving! She thought nothing of it, and continued to follow the car. Buzz jumped and caught the trunk, and opened it, but they hit a bump before he could get his friend. The car then sped off, Bullseye slowed down, same with Optimus, and Amy caught up to them. She looked at them, and Woody said, "Oh boy. We have some explaining to do, don't we?"

"For now, let's go back to the house," said Amy, picking the all up.

Omega then asked Amy, "Why would someone want to steal Ruby?"

"I don't know Omega," said Amy, "I don't know."

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