Yard Sale (Alt)

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Ruby woke up screaming. Titan jumped, and said, "Ruby, what's wrong!?"

"I'm scared," said Ruby as she hugs him.

Ruby then looked at her limp arm. "Stupid seam!"

Ruby got her limp arm off of her neck, but smacked it against a book, and a wheeze was heard. The two toys looked behind to see a squeaky toy penguin on the shelf.

"Wheezy?" asked Ruby.

"Hey Mrs. Rose. Hi Titan."

"Wheezy, please, just call me Ruby. But that's beside the point, what are doing up here? I thought you were going to get a new squeaker. Daphne was devastated when you lost it."

"Oh, Sophie's mom just said that to calm her down," said Wheezy, "She then put me on the shelf."

"Why didn't you call for help?" asked Titan.

"I tried, but my squeaker is still broken. Also the dust here just aggravates my condition."

He then coughed, and stumbled, and Ruby caught him.

"Poor thing. Just rest," said Ruby.

"What's the point in delaying the inevitable?" asked Wheezy, "We're just one stitch away from here, to there."

Wheezy then pointed out the window, and Titan reads the sign.

"Yard sale."

Titan's eyes went wide, and he said, "Yard sale!! Everyone wake up there's a yard sale outside!!"

"Yard sale?" said Buzz and Woody in unison.

"Sarge, emergency roll call!!"

"Yes sir!" said Sarge, as he and the army men gathered everyone together.

"All civilians form a single file! Let's move, move, move!" Buzz, Woody and Optimus did a roll call of the toys.



"Potato Heads; Mr. And Mrs.?"


"Ignitors and Multiples?"


"Troikas. Check, check, check, check, check."

"I hate yard sales!" said Indo.

"It's going to be okay Indo," said Ghidorah.

Just then, footsteps were heard, and Terry said, "Someone's coming!"

Everyone scattered, and Amy came in. Titan and Ruby hid Wheezy behind them.

Amy looked around, looking for some things Sophie had out grown. And she found a scrabble game

 And she found a scrabble game

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An old curious George book

An old curious George book

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