Midnight kiss bonu s story1

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(A/N: thit taakes place fomnr the POV OF MY SELF INSERT OC ISA!!)
I was at the my chemnical romance cincertt... my friend had invited me to gop and i was TOTES down.. theyre my favoruite band after all.... i was waiting in line to get into the evnue whe i saw a purple heades and a raven haired boy iin line ahead of me.,.,. they had a totally cute redheaded friend with them that i was seriously thionkinf abouyt asking for his number. the line moved and i slowly got coser to them... eventually i was pretty much behind them. i tapped the raven haired boy on the shoulder "heyt your friend is cute can i have his number" "noi hes taken and gay sorry" "oh im sorry m bad  do you want to watch the concert together" "yes" we walked together into the mcr concert.. i was still upset that the cute redhead was gay but i alsontoiced the purple haired boy being oddly afefctionate with the raven haired... were they all gay? um tha was awkwatrd because im straiught. my cousin charlie told me about the time he went to gay high school and they found out he was straight.,... i felt a shiver run down my spine as i thought of that memort... would they kick me out of their group if im... stragiht???!121!!1 I shoved that though tto the backl of my mind...the oncert was styarting!!!! geradr way walked out onto the stage "hey guys!!!!! are you having fun?" the crowd scvreamed back YESSSS!!! WE LOVE YOU GERARED!!! "okay guys we have a special guets todayyyy... WILBUR SOOOTTT!!!!!11!!!11" wilvut soot walked out onto the stage and the crowd roareredddd some girl even tried to climb onto the styage.... awkward..! i was so distracted by wilbur soot and the crowd that i hadnt even noticed vycnent and william disapreagin..!! i lookmed around for the but saw no sign. i was left with n o other choiuce but to talk to the redhead. "um hey were did they go" i asked and he blusehd "um i think they went to go to the  bathroom? ikd" he said and avoided ey contact wioth me... he was acting really fluistered.,... whatever though., gereard and wilcur starting welcome to the black parade.. as they got to the choprus though, everything went silent.. and then.... VYNCENT AND WILLIAM WALKED OUIT ONTO THBE STAGE HOLDING A GAY PIDE PARADE AND SINGING THE CHORUST TO WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE ACAPPELALA!!! THE CROWD WENT WILDDD AND WILLIAM AND VYNCENT KISSED ON STAGE AND FRANK IERO CHEERED "TRUE LOOVE AS TEENAGERS! LOVE IS LOVE" and he did a really cool drum move and then gerard way and wilbiur soot started singing again andthge crowd went wild. the entire song william an dvyncent were just kissing on stage like doing nothing at all not even singing its like they were just there to mke out for thr world to see. LOve is love!! at some point during the conert.. i reached out my hand and dakota held it... im starting to think maybe he isnt gay...? maybe he has a crush on me. at the eend of the concert  dream came on stage and the crowd booed and threw tomatoesand gerard was like "Um who the f*** was that like i have no idea how that guy got past security" and shrgged and said "anywasy guys thanks for listening make sure to stream on spoitify!!! bye!!! also listen to wilbiut soots new single  your nw boyfriend" and then walked of stage. me and dakota filed out of the conertt hall "ummm so that was a pretty epic concert. right" and instead of replying... dakota..... HE KISSED ME!!! (A/N: LOOK AT THE GIF!!! that how they kissed) i clenched my hand into a fist and then let it go once i relaxed into the kiss...tnhis was so wawesome.. i made to new best friends AND got a boyfriend...!!! best day ever. the conerttywas good to but this was even betrter.. we pulled apart. "that was,... *sigh* that was the best kiss ive ever had.." and we kissed again and  wiliam anmd vyncetn gasp[ed!! "DAKOPTA CALE" blaine roared and william grasped jhis hand "calm down babe." vyncent was panting now and dakota looked scared.. "cyncet i... please dont tell ashe...."he peladede and william held up ah hand. "iu donmt even want to hear it. what te **** is youre problem??> you know ashe has been sensitive ever since he lost his mom.. and now you go and break his heartg oine more time..." wiliam said.l snapping his fingbes sassily and tunign on his heel to leave. "come pon vynce.. we have better things to do."  and vyncent said to me before turning away "you... we told you he was gay. why didnty you take the hint.  you are an evil woman.  i am baout to becokme your worst nightmare....breeder"he growled... i got goosebumps.. maybe this wasnt suvch a good da after all. dakota looked guilt ahnd then turned away from me "i.....this was a mistake. i nedd to get back to ashw and apoligise... you are a sck and twisted woman for doing tjhis to me..." he walked away sadly... i felt a hole in my heart whenere it was once fukll... i mesed up.. this was the orst day ever. i went home and cried myself to seep.. maybe true wasnt real after all. (A/N: my oc suffers from severe depression and she gets put in a mental hospital after this)

 (A/N: my oc suffers from severe depression and she gets put in a mental hospital after this)

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A Midnight KissNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ