Odysseus x Diomedes [Part 1]

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First chapter, wooh. I had a speech planned here but I forgot it.

Also sad music for a sad chapter.

After ten years of fruitless bloodshed and killing, the Trojan War had come to an end.

Pyres had been built and the dead had been burned. The Achaeans would finally be leaving the sandy beaches of Troy for their kingdoms tomorrow.

Odysseus originally visited to Diomedes's tent to discuss their plans for their journey home, but the darkening sky and straying conversation suggested that he might have stayed for too long.

After several drinks, Odysseus found himself curled up on a bed that was familiar, but not his with Diomedes wrapped around him.

The tent was completely dark except for a small candle. Years in the future, when Diomedes would think back to this night, it would feel surreal with dreamlike candlelight, like a dream that he can't quite place.

"Oddy~" Diomedes had begun in a tone that Odysseus knew all too well.

"Diomedes, I have a wife. No."

"That didn't stop us last week," he muttered under his breath.

Odysseus raised an eyebrow, "Pardon?" he said although he had clearly heard Diomedes.

"Nothing," Diomedes almost squeaked.


"But it's not cheating if you do it with another man?" Diomedes attempted to reason, making Odysseus snort.

Gods, Odysseus was gorgeous. His laughter took any disappointment away from the refusal. The candle cast a warm halo of light behind Odysseus, framing his face and exaggerating his features. He looked touched by Midas in the golden glow of the fire.

"Who the fuck told you that? Achilles?" Odysseus's words snapped Diomedes out of his trance.

"No," Diomedes started to roll his eyes, then paused. "Wait- It actually was Achilles. How did you know?"

Odysseus's drunken giggles grew. "Dio, Achilles fucked the whole army and probably half the Trojans as well. Of course he'd say that."

So much for respecting the dead. But then, Odysseus was only speaking the truth.

"The whole army?" Diomedes scrunched up his eyebrows thoughtfully. "I have a really hard time picturing Achilles and Agamemnon together."

"It's easier to picture Achilles and Hector than Achilles and Agamemnon," Odysseus mused. "That says a lot about this army."

"That says a lot about men in general," Diomedes pointed out.

"Very poetic," Odysseus nodded and closed his eyes. "I'm going to actually sleep now."

"But Oddy-"

"I have a wife. No. I'm not a writing whore who won't take a break."

"Odysseus, please? This might be the last time we ever see each other," Diomedes persisted.

"What makes you think that?" Odysseus's eyes shot open and he frowned at Diomedes.

"The war's ended. We're going home to our separate kingdoms."

"So?" Odysseus's frown disappeared. He rolled his eyes and grinned. "We can always visit each other. Ithaca and Argos aren't that far away."

"But it won't be the same when we're at home. I'll miss seeing you every day," Diomedes shrugged and avoided Odysseus's gaze. He stared up at the dark canvas ceiling of the tent. Once the sun rises and lights the room, he could be saying goodbye to Odysseus for good.

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