Soon to be scar

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I had to wash my hair at least four time to get the orange goo out. I had to wake up early this morning and wash it a second time just to be sure it was all gone. But I don't think anything could wash away the embarrassment that I've felt since the events of the potion room occurred. Trying to hold my head up high I walked into the Great Hall for breakfast.

I took my seat beside George and pulled my damp hair over my shoulders. Fred groaned and stared past me. It was like he was looking through me. Like to him I simply didn't exist. "Fucks your problem mate?"I asked annoyed.

"Your boyfriend is being weird," George interjected.

"Arthur is not my boyfriend," I whispered harshly.

"Not Arthur," Alicia muttered. I furrowed my brow and reached for a price of toast. Boyfriend? No other guy has made a move on me that I can think of other than Arthur. I glanced over at Apollos empty place setting. "Well I guess he's not coming," I whispered to George. He grunted in response.

What is with everybody today. Did I miss something? No one in our group spoke. To be honest no one ate either. They all just poked their food with their forks or stared down at their plates.  "Are you lot okay?" I asked.

Alicia looked up at me wide eyed and shook her head. "What?" I mouthed. She glanced over at Aps place setting then at Fred. My heart stopped when I finally took in the scene behind me. Fred wasn't looking at me he was looking at Apollo. Who was sitting with the Slytherins. The only red in a sea of green.

"Really," I muttered.

"Yep," George replied.

"I've had enough," I said stoically. Rising from my seat I threw my napkin down onto my plate. Ap has had the worst on again off again attitude on the planet and I'm tired of it. I stomped over to the table looking like a infuriated mother after her rebel child. I looked like Apollos mother. 

There was an open seat across from him. Taking a deep breath I sat down in between two greasy haired seventh years. They both reeked of cigarettes and cheap beer. "Apollonius Sato Huxley what the fuck is your problem," I whispered harshly.

"Good morning to you too Viktoria Prim Ali," he replied. The Slytherin to my left ran his fingers through my damp hair. He twirled the ends around his callused finger tips. "Why the hell are you over here instead of with your friends," I asked.

"These are my friends," he said blankly. The Slytherin to my right ran his thin hands over mine. Not in a loving way but rather like he was inspecting me. "Seriously Apollo?" I asked, "Your going to throw away over five years of friendship, for these two?"

"I'm not throwing anything away."

"Your pretending like we don't even exsist! But then you come running to the rescue like bloody super man," I scolded, "You are not allowed to pick and choice when you walk in and out of our lives!"

He didn't respond.

"Please inform me of what it is that is so deer that you are hanging out with the people you made fun of just a few months ago!" I wasn't shouting above a mumble.  The Slytherin who was playing with my hair started attempting to braid it.

"Enough Viktoria," he fired back. The other Slytherin poked each of the freckles along the exposed parts of my body. The others were covered by my uniform, thankfully.

"No not enough!  I don't care if you never speak to me or to George again but dont you dare do this to Fred. Who was there for you when Quin first broke your heart? Fred! Who was there when your grandmother died? Fred! Who was there when Sirius Black broke into the castle and comforted you? Fred!"

"Do you think I don't want to be seated at that table? Do you think I chose to sit here with these freaks!," he whispered harshly, "And stop touching her damn it!"  Both their hands fell to their sides. "I am doing this to protect you lot," he said lowering his voice.

"You are not protecting us Apollo. You are ruining your life over what? Sirius? How long will you live in fear of him before you become him," I said attempting to reason. He looked up at me from his plate for the first time. A long partly healed scar ran from his lower jaw to the bridge of his nose. "Ap, please we're worried about you," I said a little louder than I should have.

I tried to pretend like I didn't notice it but I couldn't take my eyes off of his soon to be scar. It was pink and raised. It must have been deep and painful. "Please," I whispered placing my hand over his. He squeezed my hand and looked past me at our friends. "Fred looks pissed," he said. He laughed a little when he said Fred.

"Your his best mate Ap. And besides he's a drama queen."

Letting go of my hand he looked back at his two new "friends". They wouldn't even look him in his eyes. Smiling I stood up and walked back over to our table. Taking my seat I looked at my friends stunned faces. "Fixed," I whispered.

Ap came around the other side of the table and stood behind his seat. "Is this seat taken," he asked.

"Is it?" Fred asked looking up at him. Apollo took his rightful place at the table back. It was like a puzzle piece falling back into place. His rightful place. Conversation resumed as normal like he had never left.  At first we talked about homework then about upcoming parties and events. When the conversation switched to quidditch I tuned them out slightly. Across the room Arthurs was staring at me. 'Goodjob,' he signed. I smiled and signed, 'Thank you.'

George looked at me with a look of disgust. "Why did you call Ap my boyfriend," I whispered to him. "I wasn't talking about Ap," he said glancing at Fred. I laughed and looked down at my plate. Me and Fred were just a joke to our friends. But it seems like Arthur and I may be becoming more of a possibility. I smiled at the thought of Arthur and I being together. Me a boyfriend? Maybe.

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