My parents?

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I've noticed that if I bury myself in my studies then I don't think as much about the shadow man. George thinks I'm mad for studying so many months ahead but I think I'm prepared.  Alicia agrees with me on the prepared part, I quiz her often to try and keep us both on our toes.  Like now sitting on the edge of her bed I was quizzing her about potions. 

"What potion will send you into a deep sleep?" I asked. I flipped the card over to see the answer, I'm not particularly bad at potions but it's not my strongest area. But Alicia used to be worse than I am at it. She's gotten a lot better but she still studies relentlessly. 

"The Draught of living death?" She said questioning her answer. 

"Is that an answer or a question Alicia?" I asked.  She flopped back on her bed defeated, "I don't know."  We have been studying since we got back from dinner and the sun is already starting to come up. We don't have classes tomorrow which is a relief, especially with how hard professors are getting on us. I sighed setting the cards down. 

"It was right by the way," I said trying to make her feel a little better. She groaned in response annoyed. "Let's talk about something else, I think we've studied enough for one night." I'm trying to lighten the mood here cut me some slack. 

"Why don't you talk about your parents?" She asked. 

"There's not much to talk about, they died when I was a baby that's about all." 

"Oh come on I barely know anything about you and you know almost everything about me. What were they like? Do you even remember them?"

"Why do you have such a sudden interest in my parents?" My mind started racing, What if she knows? Do I say something, but she might not know? Would she tell people about me being Veela? I know the Professors would treat me differently and surely so would other people after knowing I've lied for so long. 

"I don't know it's just you're so secretive and I guess I wanna know more of where you came from. I wanna understand you if that makes sense." She said causing me to sigh in relief. Time for the truth with just a little bit of lying. 

"Well, my dad's name was Javad Ali he was born in London a few weeks after my grandmother immigrated here from Iran. Mama Azadeh raised him in her bakery as she raised me. She says he was brave and that I remind her a lot of him when he was my age. She thinks I look a lot like him too, she says I have his eyes and his nose. She says I even sign like him."

"How do you sign like someone?" She asked laughing a little. 

"It's kinda like when you speak and your voice sounds different from other people, the way you sign is different. All the motions people do are the same but it's the way you move between signs and connect the words. It's like how two people can say hello but the way you say it sounds different. Mama Azadeh says that we're both, shit how do I put it into English... we're both very fluid I guess is the best way to put it. Graceful, that's the word."

"That's sweet, what about your mum?" She asked. My mother is where the lie about where I come from starts. 

"My mum was a muggle named Prim that's all I know about her. My grandmother wasn't too fond of her so she never talks about her. She says I got her platinum hair and when I get in trouble she says I have her wicked temper."  

"I've never seen you smile this much, you have a really pretty smile, Viktoria." She said tapping on her covers to the tune of whatever song was in her head. 

I sat up furrowing my brow, I was smiling. My parent's are a topic that normally makes me cry but I was smiling now. They left me behind and I understand that now, but as a child, I would cry and scream at the thought of them. Never have I smiled and thought about them. 

"Oh," I said staring down at my hands. Maybe as an infant, I knew them as a happy memory.  I can barely picture either one of their faces until I look at a photo and then I can recognize my father. But what if I look like my mother or what if I resemble her mother? I was one or so when they left, it's not my fault I don't remember them but sometimes it feels like it.

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