2. reason i'm here

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The moment she stepped into the hospital the moment it all came flooding back to her, all the good memories she had there growing up. Wilson babysitting her when House was busy, her sitting in Cuddy's office when the other 2 were busy. Cuddy always kept games and candy in her office for her.

A security guard stopped her and House as they entered.

"ID?" He asked.

"She's with me." House snapped back attempting to push his way past the guard. The guard who Eve didn't recognize put his arm up blocking House's path.

"Don't stop a crippled man." The guard leaned up and pressed his walkie talkie.

"Can I get Cuddy down here?"

"Oh great, call Cuddy!" House huffed and pushed away from the guard.

House stood leaning on his cane huffing as Cuddy started heading towards them.

"House what is this?" Eve sighed before looking up fully at Cuddy, making her stop. "Evelyn?" She was wearing her usual, a business suit and matching skirt.

"Hi." Eve smiled softly as Cuddy kept walking towards her arms open. Cuddy wrapped her arms around her as tight as she could.

"Evie." Eve had always thought of Cuddy as a maternal figure, she was the mother she never had. "When did you get in?" The woman squeezed her tightly once more before pulling away.

"Last night, now can I please get to my office?" House barked annoyed by the display of affection.

Eve sat crisscrossed across from House while he sat at his desk, Cuddy took the seat next to her.

"She's gonna be my assistant," House looked at Cuddy for, telling her not asking. "that sound good?" He looked back at Eve, she smiled and nodded. "Perfect, you can start by getting me coffee." Eve laughed, taking the cup from his outstretched hand.

"Don't you have clinic duty today?" Cuddy smiled as Eve took the short walk to the coffee machine.

"Well yes but don't I get a little bit of time to see my oh so lovely niece?" His voice leaked sarcasm.

"Be nice to me or I'll poison you." Eve retorted, flipping him off as she kept her eyes on the machine.

Cuddy laughed, "Glad to see nothing's changed." The door to House's office swung open. Evelyn shifted her eyes to get a look at the person that entered without making it obvious.

"You cannot leave me alone on clinic duty! I had to bribe 3 nurses just to get up here." The appearance along with the voice made her fully whip around, making her spill the coffee. He hadn't changed at all from the last time she saw him. That "him" being James Wilson, her honorary Uncle. The cup hitting the floor made him look back at her. "Evelyn?" His eyes softened.

"Wilson." He was to her in a heartbeat, holding her in a bone crushing hug. He grabbed her shoulders, getting a look at her.

"Oh my God you've grown up. What brings you back here bug?" He always called her bug or Eve-Bee.

She needed a lie and fast, she knew eventually she'd tell them everything but since it was so fresh she didn't think it would be a good idea for anyone involved. "Just needed to come back home." She faked a smile and it looked like Wilson believed it, however House didn't.

The door swung open once again, this time it being 3 people she didn't recognize. A shorter black man, a woman who looked to be about the same age as her, and a taller blond man.

"House we have a case." The woman began, holding a folder.

The shorter man was the first to notice her presence. "Who's that?" Evelyn slightly waved as House stood up heading towards her, holding both her shoulders.

all things end - house mdWhere stories live. Discover now