Chapter 2

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His voice echoed through the venue as he spoke his last words. The lights slowly went out and the concert was over.

Everyone kept screaming and applauding him. I joined them.

After a couple of seconds the normal lights went back on and soft music started to play again.

"Oh my god that was amazing!" Serena yelled and I immediately started laughing at her.

"What did you think?" She asked me with excitement.

I had to take a moment before I could speak, I was still processing everything that happened. Especially that one moment...

"I liked it way more than I thought I would" I smiled brightly at Serena.

"I'm so glad to hear that" She said happily.

"So you'll come with me more often?" She asked with a big smile on her face.

"Of course I will" I replied as we slowly started to make our way towards the exit.

We didn't move that fast since everyone was trying to go through the same door.

"And oh my god Y/N we need to talk about it" Serena suddenly said and I just looked at her confused.

"About what?" I asked her and I saw her eyes widen.

"Are you kidding? The moment... when he... you know..." Serena said and I could tell she was way too excited about it.

"I would've passed out if that happened to me" She laughed and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well something happened to me for sure" I chuckled after a short silence.

"Ugh you're so lucky" She laughed and I just shook my head as I couldn't stop smiling.

"Told you he was gorgeous as f*ck" She continued and well I couldn't help but agree with her now.

"Yep you sure did" I laughed and I could feel my heart skipping a beat again as I thought back to that moment.

"Look who's totally in love now" Serena said and softly pushed me with her shoulder.

"Oh shut up, I'm not" I rolled my eyes at her, but I really couldn't stop smiling.

"That smile is telling me something else" She chuckled and I just shook my head again.

And at this point we had finally made our way through the doors. Serena and I slowly walked over towards our locker.

"Alright let me find the key" Serena said and felt around in her pockets.

She checked the pocket I saw her put it in, but quickly realized it wasn't in there anymore.

She started to panic a little since she was literally checking every single pocket on her now.

"You haven't lost it have you?" I joked.

"Well f*ck I think I actually did" Serena said seriously and my smile quickly faded from my face.

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