Part one

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I could see the whole of New York from here ; This view is breathtaking. Staring out the window of my workplace in an important meeting could get my in trouble or fired.

Pointless chatter and conversation was made around me and not with me. I was young and black and a woman and a PA.

I was important right? I went to Columbia University at top of my class despite my declining mental health. I was kicked out at 17 and made it to where I am now. I have everything, a great paying job, a great apartment in Brooklyn despite inflation.

I have Kassy. My best friend whom I met freshman year of CU. Life was fine. Feeling eyes on me I stopped looking out he window and at my shoes. They were a gift from kassy when I started working almost 3 years ago and black jimmy choos.

Looking up I instantly was met with cold brown eyes staring right back at me. I looked back down. "Okay I have everything I need, Aria-" looking back up again after hearing my name-" I want these notes in my office in an hour." Shit shit shit shit. I was suppose to be taking notes looking out the window.

Everyone scrambled out the room including me. I walked back to my desk feeling somewhat panicked. Siting down at the glass desk, I started massaging in my temples. My phone I was recording on my phone. Where is my phone? I must've dropped it- in the conference room.

Getting up and walking back to the room about 40 feet away was terrifying. What ifs ran through my mind. What if I didn't? What if it wasn't there? What if what if

Reaching the room I knocked twice and heard nothing. Okay. Inhale, Exhale. That process took about 20 seconds. Knocked again. Nothing. Opening the door I was met with a strong cent. Ax spray. Lots of it. But no one was at the big round desk that seated 20 people. No one was at the window. Huh.

Blinking I saw my phone and grabbed it suddenly feeling eyes on me again but it wasn't the ones in the conference room. This sensed danger. Turning around I was met with a "hey" from a coworker John.

I smiled "hey John" He just stared at me. A few seconds passed. Phone in hand. His hands were in his expensive suit. He was by the door and I was 10 feet away.

"Beautiful day" he said eyes straight at me. Is he high? "Yes it is" he didn't blink once. Still staring at me. Stuffing on my feet I said " Um yeah, I have to go so, uhh I'll catch you later."

Walking pass him with his eyes tailing mine made the hair on my neck stand. The sun setting caught my attention. "It is a beautiful day" I said aloud. "It is" that was from my boss

He was about 6'2-6'4. Unmarried, no kids, rich, my boss and dangerous. From what I could tell he was Italian with thick dark hair and eyebrows. He was 29. Full lips , long eyelashes, he was pretty and a grouch. I only allowed myself to look at him for a second most of the time.

Smiling at him or rather craning my neck to look at him . " I'll have these notes to you in a few" not waiting for a reply my feet carried me a few feet before he said " Don't bother, we both know you have no notes and I don't plan on working with them anymore. Aria if you continue looking out windows and daydreaming you won't have a job. Understand?" Shaking my head yes he retreated back to his office and slammed the door.

Okay rude. Going back to my office a see a text from kassy and an unknown number.
Kassy: hey girly wanna go out? I have had a few rough days and your job is kinda boring and you're boring sooooooo let's go out tonight.
Me: nah I'm good.
Kassy: you're going.
Me : do I have to?
Kassy: yes.

Smiling I check the text from the random number. And then my smile disappeared.

Unknown: Hey Aria, we would like it if you visit us and stop this.

It was from my parents. Ughh. I'm gonna get water tonight. The sun had already set by now. Turning off my computer I grabbed my purse and made my way toward
the elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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