Alaska .

13 0 0

Amelia salute Darla and walk to her bedroom settling down slowly and taking her phone taking a bit but now that she was away from Melina and anyone that could be in danger she decides to call Nat who herself just got out of the plane .

Natasha quickly picks up to my call and right away yell at me

- N : where are you !?
- A : in - in a hotel - can you listen before getting mad -
- N : which hotel - Amelia do you know how crazy you are !?
- A : the summer hotel - something like that !

I say grunting as I sigh quietly once she let me speak.

- A : I got away because if I'm wanted by half of the planet Melina's life will get in danger ! Now just tell me it was a lie and I'm absolutely not wanted by that many peoples please Nat ..

My voice shake as I look down at my phone the speaker being on , I hear her sigh making me tense even more..

- N : im gonna explain , ok ? But this is not something I can say on the phone -
- A : I want to know Nat ! It's unfair !-
- N : I promise I'm going to tell you ! But first I need to pick you up , and we need to go somewhere safe .
- A : ... I heard that before ... Safe is nowhere especially when your safest person decides to leave without saying goodbye after promising she won't !

I make sure she could hear how I'm still mad over that as I sit a bit better on the bed talking a little more with Nat before waiting for her for hours in this hotel room , I get hungry and decide to go out of the hotel since it was way too expensive for the money Darla gave me .
I noticed earlier a stand of people selling hot dogs maybe it was still there , I walk out slowly and shiver since it was cooler out as I walk toward the stand thah was still there having to cross a long very dark street where there's only trash bins before getting there .

- A : hello , can I get one please ?
- ?? : yeah cash

Someone says making me frown my eyebrows but I just give him and wait for one of the two men to do my hot dog , I see the one that took the cash look toward the dark street then back at me frowning his eyebrows slightly.

- ?? : you're alone ? Where did you get that much money ?

He asks as i put the more I had back in my pocket , his question makes me uncomfortable as I don't answer and look back at the one preparing my hot dog as he put mustard on it making my stomach disgusted

- A : uh - I don't like mustard -
- ?? : where kiddo ? Your parents are around here ?
- A : no - yes ? .. can I just get that and leave ?

He gives me a creepy smirk as I look toward the street seeing a group of three men walk toward me , they weren't there earlier I didn't saw anyone .
I look back at the men making my hot dog seeing him throw it in the trash bin as I look back at the men feeling one grab me by the arm firmly and drag me closer to him

- A : no - no leave me alone ! HELP !!

One of them cover my mouth as they manage to lift me up and get me in that dark and quiet street , I keep fighting back moving my arms and my legs my eyes filling up with tears what happened to me not long ago happening again .. they found me !
I bite the hand covering my mouth hardly as he finally take it away making me scream loudly

- A : NATASHAA !!!!

I don't know why I screamed her name , I could scream " help " or " somebody come " but all I could think of was her , I grunt loudly feeling one of them punch my face and drop me to the ground , I start to move away from them making my back press against the cold wall ..

- ?? : give us the money -
- A : it's all I got - it's all I got I swear

I mumble quickly taking it out pushing it toward them , as cover my face in case they hurt me more . One of them count out loud how much I gave them while another leans down toward me and touch my cheek making me sob then all I could remember is a strong pain in my head ... fighting noises and someone calling my name ...

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