The rain ..

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The next day comes slowly after that , barely having slept I manage to fall asleep and rest around 5 am only .
I hear my mom telling me that she was leaving for work and Nat was on her way then nothing , my brain keeps traveling and sleeping deeply deeply -

- N : come on , up ! You're late !
- A : hmm

I whimper quietly and pull more on my covers hearing Natasha

- N : Ah Ah - no , Amelia your mom warned you no ? You're not even dressed
- A : yeah .. I can stay home now it's too late -
- N : it's , never too late to learn come on

I open my eyes looking at her slowly and let her open my blinds and windows , i sit up slowly and let my hair fall in front of my face

- A : you don't understand either .. socialising suck ..
- N : im not your mom , I'm not expecting you to go there to make friends some people really don't deserve to have friends in this world .. i want you to go and learn something , bring the informations back to me and talk with me about it
- A : you're my body guard -
- N : I could be more tho no ?-
- A : No ! No no there's no need for more , do your work .. you're payed to play the bodyguard thats your job

I say not rudely but just refusing the proposition as I walk to the bathroom to get ready

- N : hurry up then !

She says with a more firm tone as I tense slightly but anyways stay in the bathroom for a bit , I realise I wasn't that late when she drops me and once I see her car leave I decide to do something I thought would never do .. skip school , I knew my way back home and I'm sure she doesn't go back home to do nothing while I was at school , I got my keys as I uncomfortably walk back home .

- M : ok Can we know why you're late ?-
- N : because she got me late ! Her mom told her to get up but she didn't -
- M : and where is she now ?
- N : at school Maria where else you want her to be ??-
- M : at home - resting !! Natasha what's going on ?? Why are you acting like that , you're the most understanding - caring person I've ever known ! You know what she must feel you've been kidnapped many times - you've seen things she never saw ! You know better ! .. it's still fresh she's still scared you gotta start being less serious - I know serious is important at work and you don't wanna disappoint me or Emilie , I also know you're not coming back from an easy mission saving your sister and many women from the red room .. your past came back and it tortured your brain secretly I can see it but this is another saving this is another important mission .. your mission is to be with that girl and reassure her with words with actions with anything ! And it's something I know you can do since I know deep down you already love the idea of taking care of a child

Maria says looking deep in Nats eyes taking her apart from the people to be saying all of this to her , Natasha listens and slowly of course admit that Maria was right and she was just lost at first having said no then still having tried .. Amelia really needed someone after all .

- E : what ? What do you mean she's not at school ? She can't be home she's brought there by someone trustworthy ... alright .. let me find out

Emilie hangs up with the school directeur and calls Natasha right away standing up immediately fear washing over her .

- N : hmm .. Emilie ? -
- E : Natasha , did Amelia go to school ? Or did you allow her to stay ??
- N : no -.. no you told me to bring her to school and she is , why ?
- E : I got a phone call from the school and they're saying she's nowhere to be found !
- N : ... I'm on it

Natasha hangs up after reassuring Emilie and immediately walk out of shield jumping in her car and deciding to look around the school , maybe she's avoiding to go inside and she's still around hiding ? Maybe she's back home ?

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