Wedding Day

731 34 19

(Saturday, 27.05.2023)
*wedding day*


A hundred thoughts at once, and Wille was 99 of them.

Today is the wedding day, my last chance to get him back. I don't know how it will turn out in the end, but at least I know that I tried.

Sara was with me in the car, driving me to the wedding. When I saw the church appearing in the distance, my hands began to sweat.

God I was so nervous. I told Sara to park the car a little away from the church, so no one would notice me yet. My plan was to sneak into the building and find Wille before the ceremony begins. It was not really a great plan, but I had no other choice.

The car came to a stop and I unbuckled my belt.
Sara turned to me. "Are you ready?"

I nodded looking straight ahead.
"I just hope it goes well!"

"Don't worry it will be fine. And if anything goes wrong I will be waiting here in the car!" I turned to look at her.

"Thanks Sara!"
She gave me an encouraging smile.

I opened the door and stepped out of the car.
I looked at Sara one last time before I started to walk to the big crowd of people, that was gathered in front of the church. So far no one seemed to notice me, thanks to Nana and her friends. The outfit was really comfy and fancy looking, therefore it was easy for me to blend in with the crowd. It consists of a black suit and a black, slightly transparent blouse.

I made my way through the crowd, aiming for the entrance. There were so many people here, everyone looking super rich. Most of them were wearing really expensive jewellery and clothes.

Slowly I got closer and closer to the entrance.
About five meters away, I accidentally made eye contact with one of the security guards.
As he saw me his face turned into an expression I couldn't quite read. When he began to walk in my direction, I knew I was in trouble.


Quickly I turned around trying to hide in the big crowd of people. My feet dragged me as far away from the guards. I thought I lost him when I heard someone yell: "THERE HE IS!"

Suddenly four security guards were after me and I just started to run.

'How do they know who I am??'

I pushed this thought away, only concentrating on how I'm going to get out of here.

I was relieved when the whole crowd began to move, everyone trying to get into the building.

'That was my chance!'

I moved with the crowd, slightly covering my face with one hand.

"Where is he??" Was the last thing I heard before I stepped into the church.

'I made it!'

It was even bigger inside than it seemed from the outside. To be honest it kinda looked like a palace to me.

Sadly my happiness didn't last very long, when two guards from inside spotted me.

'Come on, really?!'

The chase continued and I ran into a corridor, the guards not far behind me.

I didn't know where I was going, but it seemed like I was losing them. I looked behind me, to see if they were still after me and accidentally bumped into someone.

I quickly apologised without lookingup "I'm so sorry, I didn't look where I was going!"

When I lifted my head I froze. "Malin?"

Wedding Crasher (Wilmon)Where stories live. Discover now