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chris pov

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chris pov


fucking hell.
i gotta get up for school.
i turn off my alarm and sit on my bed.
today breya comes back to school after the accident. now this would've been a normal tuesday for me but after telling her everything i am sorta scared to face her.
she'll also meet dylan for the first time after THAT whole thing...
i dont know why but i dont like the idea of her meeting him again

fuck i'll be late
i get ready and get downstairs to see matt and nick waiting for me
"lets go" i say putting my phone in my pocket while walking out of the door
i can do this.
we get to school soon enough.
i have been skipping most of these days so its a little weird to me to actually attend the first period.

i walk through the corridors when someone pulls on my hand and makes me stop,i turn to see hannah standing

"where have you been babe" she says
"wtf leave me" i say getting my hand out of her grip
"whats up i haven't seen you around as much" she asks
"leave me the fuck alone" i say getting out of there when i feel her following me and i stop.
not because of hannah
because i see breya talking to dylan where her locker is...
i move a little forward to hear whats going on,hannah still following me behind

"you know i would never do something like this to you right?" dylan tells her
"dylan get out of my sight i can't do this right now" breya tells him moving away from the locker when he holds her hand and stops her from leaving

"breya you gotta give me a chance" he says firmly so closely to her face
god i could really use my fist right now
suddenly i hear someone whispering
"hate it dont you?" hannah whispers in my ear.
shit i forgot she was even here
i turn around to face her
"wtf" i say
"i see you eyeing the breya bitch all the time ik you have  feelings for her" she says
"whatever the fuck you mean" i say as i start walking away i dont feel her behind me anymore
i walk past dylan and breya trying to ignore the whole scene right in front of me oof now i just need a punching bag....or
"dylan i dont wanna talk to you leave me the fuck alone" i hear breya saying that to dylan and i turn around immediately
i walk up to them and hold the free hand breya was using to get out of his grip
i get her out of his tight grip and i feel breyas eyes on me
"she says she doesn't wanna talk" i say as i was prepared to leave with her
"oh you wanna speak for her now?" dylan says as if everything was a joke
i turn around with breyas hand still in mine
"yea,got a problem?" i say firmly
he comes closer to me
"don't you hate her? now you wanna be all superman and try to save her?" he spits words
"try? i will never let you be in the 5 meter radius from her" i say
"chris lets leave" i hear breya saying slowly
i look up to dylan one last time.
hes grinding his teeth real hard
i take breya and leave
"BREYA I KNOW YOURE FUCKING HIM" i hear dylan yelling from far
"wtf?" breya whispers as we rush through corridors
and i get her out to the bleachers where we stand

"thanks..." breya says
"thanks? you know you should stay away from him right? how could you let him come near you?" i say taking my frustration out
when i feel breya take her hand out of mine and looking away
i didnt even realise i was still holding it

i know i do this.
i always ruin things by taking my frustration out on her.

"brey" i say almost whispering
"yea" she sniffles as she looks at me
"hey,hey" i say holding her sides and making her turn to me
"are you okay?" i ask concerned
"yea im okay....im fine" she says breaking into the words and wiping her tears off while looking away
i immediately pull her in for a hug
i dont know why i did that
its no secret that i care about her.
alot even.
but this feels so unusual
her crying in my arms
me comforting her
i thought i'll never be able to do this
i hold her tight

we've been hugging for what i think is an hour but its actually only been 5 minutes when she pulls away wiping her tears
"im sorry" she says wiping her tears
"no...no its okay" i tell her
"your t-shirts all wet now" she says looking at my shirt and smiling
"hah that's nothing" i say giggling
she checks the time
"oh shit we're way past our first period" she says
"duh" i say
"wanna skip today" i suggest
"really chris? it was supposed to be my first day after so long" she says
"well let tomorrow be your first day then" i say taking her hand and pulling her to walk out with me

To Be Continued....

authors note

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