"Get her in an ambulance now," Otmar ordered them as he grabbed my bag from the pile of belongings on Pierre's shelf. "I'll call Damien so he can bring Addie and Pierre."

A huge cheer filled the garage and I spun around to see the screens replaying another overtake. Pierre was in third place with two laps to go, just ahead of Charles, but he was still too far from the Red Bull cars to catch up unless there was a flag. There was no way I could stop him now, not when he was going to find himself on the podium.

The tight sensations I had felt on and off since arriving at the paddock were no longer just uncomfortable but becoming painful. These were not harmless braxton hicks contractions anymore and more water was running down my legs with each one. That was when the panic set in.

"Talk me through what's happening, Bri." Amber said as she opened her medical kit and pulled out the blood pressure cuffs.

Ever since my pregnancy was announced they had been kept up to date with my progress for this very situation and I had thought it was silly at the time, now I would have to thank Otmar for indulging Pierre's request.

"My waters have broken and I'm guessing that the back ache I've had all day isn't actually a back ache." I hunched over as another wave of pain clenched the entire span of my stomach and a low groan escaped my gritted teeth. "Fuck, that hurts."

"BP is a little high but that's expected when in pain. Sounds like baby is definitely coming a little early so I'm going to call one of the standby ambulances to come and get us alright."

My hands trembled as I held my stomach protectively and watched her make the call through her walkie talkie. "I'm only 34 weeks."

"Japan has some of the best medical care in the world, they are equipped to handle this," she assured me as she received a reply that the ambulance was coming down the pit lane.

Pierre POV

"Tires struggled on this lap," I commented to my engineer as I checked my mirrors to see Charles' red car falling further behind. "Hello?"

I had pushed the medium tires more than I should have but I had the pace to get ahead of Charles so I wasn't going to miss the opportunity while it was in my grasp. Instead I would just have to be more conscious on the corners with the grip getting worse.

I rounded the last corner before hitting the home straight and spared a glance to the pit wall in case the comms had gone down and the team put a sign out. What I saw instead made my heart skip a beat.

"Why is there an ambulance? Hello? Can you hear me?" Each second of silence that passed left my palms sweaty and my attention torn between where I was and where I wanted to be.

The comms crackled to life in my ear and my engineer finally answered. "Just manage the tires the best you can for the final lap."

"The ambulance," I repeated as my eyes darted around the track searching for any flags being waved but the stewards held nothing. "Why is it in the pit lane?"

"Focus on the race, babe." The relief my wife's voice brought was fleeting as it didn't hold the same warmth and the tone was clipped like when she was distracted, or in pain.

"Box, box, I'm coming in," I rushed as I hit the button on my console to confirm I was returning to the pits at the end of the lap.

"You can't finish in the pit!" Bri argued before she groaned in pain and my mind was set as I pushed the limits of the tires to get back to her even sooner.

"Try stop me," I muttered.

Determination set in as clusters of marbles were thrown from my tires on every corner, blue flags waving as I passed Logan's car and then Oscar's next. There was no elation when Karel let me know I set a new sector record or that I was closing in on Danny. There was nothing but the need to get to my family.

I could see the chequered flag waving, the finish line up ahead and the crowd on their feet. I hated to disappoint the fans, but my family would always come first. It was them who would still be standing by my side when I no longer raced, not the fans, of that I had no illusion.

I pulled into the pits,  ignoring the speed limit, and found the teams had created a path that usually would have been swamped by the media. A path that led all the way to the ambulance waiting outside my garage.

The wheels locked with how hard I came to a stop and I barely registered cutting the power before I was tearing the console from the steering column and jumping to the asphalt.

I was no stranger to adrenaline but the fear that cut through me was unlike anything I had ever experienced when I saw Bri on the stretcher, her brows pinched in pain and her hands cradling her stomach. The thought of something bad happening to either of them caused a chill to creep into my body.

They had to be alright, or I would never be able to alright again.

"Give me your helmet and go," Otmar ordered as stood at the door to the ambulance.


"Damien's with her and they'll find you at the hospital." Otmar frowned and pressed the headset closer to his ear before looking down the pit to the entrance where Charles was pulling in. "What? All of them?"

I didn't wait to find out what was happening as I climbed the steps into the ambulance and grabbed my wife's hand. "Le bébé?" My throat seemed to close at the question and I tried to keep my mind busy as I waited for an answer but then I saw the skirt of those floral sundresses she loved so much. The bright material was dark with the liquid soaking it.

"I don't know." Tears welled in her eyes at the whispered admission and I took the seat beside her, pressing my lips to her forehead so she didn't see the ones that filled mine too.

"It's okay, shh, it's alright, amore," I murmured weakly as I looked at the team medic and prayed I wasn't lying.

"BP is still rising but the baby's heartbeat is steady so they are stable for transport," Amber said as she watched the readings on the monitor. "Shiroko Women's are preparing a theatre for our arrival. They're in good hands, Pierre."

Her words gave me a glimmer of hope that I clung to. I needed that to be true for my own sanity.

Amber got up to close the back of the van after relaying the information to a translator who passed it onto the hospital and the air left my lungs as I saw the line of cars down the pit lane, the Williams and McLaren I had overtaken on the last lap just pulling in at the very back.

"FIA can't DNF 18 drivers," Bri said as she saw the same thing and squeezed my hand tightly. "They'll be forced to use the pit entry as the final positions. They're making sure you get your podium."

"I don't need it," I said as I leaned back in the seat to see the driver putting the van in gear. "I need you and our baby safe."

A loud bang sounded on the back door just as we started to roll forward and I shouted to the driver to stop at the familiar voice calling out.

"Let him in," Bri begged Amber, though the space was already limited.

Amber opened the door quickly and Yuki stood panting from the full out sprint he had made along the pit lane to reach us. "I thought you might need a translator," he said as he scratched his head and looked me dead in the eye. "Your japanese is fucking shit."

The small chuff of laughter from Bri lightened the burden in my chest and I glanced at our entwined fingers resting on her stomach before looking back at my friend. "I could use all the help I can get."

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