2. WTF

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"Alex?" Are you ok?" I asked as I approached him and the girl "Ah Y/N hello! Yes, I was just talking with this young American girl" he gestured to the girl stood near him. She looked really upset "Hey. You okay darling? Can I get you anything?" I looked at the girl with concern in my eyes "Can you just forget this happened? I am going back in there, and I'm not leaving without answers!" She shouted before walking off back into the dance. I turned to look at a very confused Alex "What was that about?" I asked him "I think she's just having boy trouble. All I learnt is that she's American" he replied "Is that why she was speaking rather loudly? I learnt a while back that they're quite loud compared to everyone else" I laughed "I think so yes! I did ask her but I think she was too upset to think about what I was saying. Where are you going anyway? I was just going to the loo" he smiled "I was just heading back to my apartment. It's getting late and I'm getting rather tired. Not to mention it's the 1st day of classes tomorrow as well" I replied "Ah ok. Will I see you tomorrow Y/N?" He asked. "Of course you will Alex. Give me your phone real quick" I said him. He looked confused but still handed me his phone. I quickly entered my number before passing him is phone back "You have my number. Text me when you get the chance yeah?" He asked "Of course I will Y/N. See you tomorrow" he smiled and waved. I waved back and turned around to begin my journey back to my apartment.

Alex's POV

After Y/N had left, I quickly went to the loo before walking back into the dance. I found Jina and walked over to her "Ah, Mr Finnerty, Hi. Y/N tells me you've already met?" she asked as she saw me "Yep. Such a lovely lady. She'll make a wonderful teacher here" I smiled at the thought of Y/N. Something about her makes me so happy inside. I love the fact that she's half-Australian like me. It's really nice to have someone from my home country to talk to. "I believe she will. She's teaching History if I'm correct. And your teaching Chemistry?" Jina asked, taking a sip from her drink "I am yes. I was top of my class at school. I couldn't be more excited to..." I stopped talking as we heard a loud crash from across the hall. It was the American girl from earlier I was talking to. She had crashed into the dessert tower of cupcakes "What? Never seen a girl crash into a dessert tower before?" she asked "Nothing to see here, people!" she tried walking away but slipped on some of the cakes and falling over, a loud gasp being heard. I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation. All I saw was a boy trying to help her up as she shook him off, running out of the hall rather quickly. I've only been here 1 day and it's already getting pretty interesting. "Excuse me Jina" I bowed to her before moving away. I walked out of the hall to get some fresh air. 

When I got out, I pulled out my phone to text Y/N. I saw she had put her contact name as 'Fellow Aussie Girl' I let out a small laugh before texting her. Y/N is one of the 1st people I've been able to have a proper talk to. She's also the 1st person I've felt comfortable talking to. I think it helps that her main language is English as well. When I finished texting her, I decided to go back into the dance for a bit. Just to talk to some more of the teachers. 


I never realised how beautiful Seoul was at night. While it looked gorgeous in daylight, it looked even prettier at night-time. Lights illuminated the streets and hung upon the trees. On my walk back, I found a beautiful park. In the centre was a beautiful blossom tree with string lights. It looked stunning. I decided to take a picture in front of it so I could send it to my parents.

Once I took the picture, I continued to walk back. I never realised how beautiful Seoul was in the evening. I always saw pictures online, but they never done this beautiful place justice. I'm definitely gonna enjoy it here.

When I eventually got back to my apartment, I instantly kicked my heels off, not bothering to put them away, opting to leave them by the door instead. I flopped straight onto the sofa, checking my phone for tomorrow, seeing how many lessons I've got. I've got 3 which is pretty good. I've decided that the subject area we're learning to start off with is the Joseon Dynasty. It's a subject I've always found pretty interesting, not to mention I was top of my class when we learnt about it when I was at school. I think the kids will enjoy learning about it. 

"Oh crap! I forgot to text mum and dad!" I cursed under my breath. I completely forgot! I was texting my mum before I bumped into Alex. I quickly pulled up the group chat I shared with my parents so I could text them:

Y/N- Hey mum. Hey dad! Just thought you'd like to know today went well. I met a sweet guy called Alex and he's half-Australian like me!

Mum- That's wonderful darling!

Dad- How is it over there sweet? You having fun?

Y/N- So much fun! It's just like you guys described *insert pic from earlier*

Mum- You look gorgeous darling! So glad you're having a wonderful time

Dad- When do classes start hun?

Y/N- They start tomorrow. I'm so excited! I've got 3 classes tomorrow! 

Mum- I can imagine you are dear. We'll let you go so you can get some rest. Have a good 1st day tomorrow!

Dad- Have an amazing day tomorrow darling. We're both so proud of you!

Y/N- Love you guys! Talk later!

I smiled before looking at my notifications and seeing a new message from an unknown number:

Unknown Number: Hey! It's Alex! Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams!

Y/N- Thank you Alex! Can't wait to see you either. Have a good night.

I quickly changed his contact name to 'Fellow Aussie Boy'. I wonder if he noticed what I put as my contact name. After about 20 mins of mindless scrolling, I decided it'd be best to get ready for bed. I walked to the bathroom, throwing my hair up into a messy bun so I could take my makeup off and get my nightly skincare routine done. 

After about 10 mins, my skincare was done. I brushed my hair out before putting it up for bed. I walked to my bedroom so I could take my dress off. As much as dresses look pretty, they sure are uncomfortable. I prefer my comfys. I'll definitely have to dress smart for tomorrow. It's always important to make a good first impression, especially since this is my 1st proper teaching job. I grabbed my PJ's from my closet and quickly took my dress off so I could get changed. I chucked my dress in the corner (I'll sort that out tomorrow) and jumped into bed. I set my alarm and my head hit the pillow shortly after. Tomorrow, my new life begins. Tomorrow, I get to spread my wings as a teacher. Tomorrow, My 1st day as a Teacher at The Korean Independent School Of Seoul...

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