chapter 13

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It's about midnight.stars and moon can be seen on the sky. Moon light were falling on the sound can be heard.Only darkness everywhere.In the darkness we can see two mobile flashes moving.

Wangji and wuxian were turn on the flashes of phone and walk aimlessly

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Wangji and wuxian were turn on the flashes of phone and walk aimlessly. Wangji rightly hold wuxian hand.
"Lan zhan,I am tired.I cannot move an inch now."
By saying this Wei wuxian sit on small rock. Lan zhan knows Wei wuxian tired due to constant running and walking.He knows nie members enter the forest.He can sense them by smell.So he try to move far as possible from them.But this much hours they travelled they can only see woods.They doesn't see any animals.The climate is very cold.

Lan wangji check by his senses,where anyone present near them

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Lan wangji check by his senses,where anyone present near them.He cannot detect any one.He remove his jacket to wuxian's. wuxian is freezing.He check on his pocket.He get a lighter.He flashes on the surroundings ,he take some leaves and started to burn it.

He flashes on the surroundings ,he take some leaves and started to burn it

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Lan Wangji is wearing,a shirt and pant.He gave his jacket to wuxian. wuxian is wearing a full sleeve t-shirt and jeans.
Wangji,"Wei Ying,are you okay now?"
Wuxian,"yeah....l am okay."
Wangji,"I am sorry,I cannot protect you."
Wuxian,"it's not your fault Wangji,we doesn't know that some one is trying to kill us."
Wuxian takes a chocolate from his jeans pocket.He open the cover and give a piece for Wangji.Then started to eat it.Wangji looks at wei wuxian. wuxian's lips were covered with chocolate. wangji licks his lips.He started to eat chocolate.

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