Miranda looked over to his neck and her eyes widen. She was forsure her teeth print was there too. "I'm sorry but hey adleast it's on top of your birth mark." She said sheepishly.

Miranda got off of the boat and she took her sandals off to walk in the sand.

Ben held her beach bag for her on one side and her hand on the other.

"Did you put sun screen on?" She asked.

"No I didn't think I would need it "

"You need it. Lay back." Miranda gestured to the beach chair.

Ben did as told and looked as Miranda grabbed the lotion out of her bag. She straddled his waist before squeezing some into her hands.

Taking pleasure in rubbing her hands up and down his chest. Making sure the lotion got every where. Ben stared up at her looking from her face to her cleavage. He had to be the luckiest man on earth to be able to experience this greatness up close.

"What are you staring at?" She questioned.

"You and the bathing suit." He answered licking his lips. That stare alone made Miranda shiver. She wiggled a little and Ben grabbed her waist. "Do not move baby. I won't be able to take that." He pleaded.

Miranda smirked and mouthed okay to him. She applied a little sunscreen to her fingers before rubbing it into his face and forehead. She used her thumb and pointer finger to rub his chin before gripping it and pulling him into a kiss.

"Mmmm, you're a natural temptation."

"Am I?" she smiled coyly. It felt good to be looked at in this light. Ben made her feel good inside and out.

"You need sunscreen too,"

"No, I don't because I'm going to be laying underneath this umbrella."

"You are going to be getting in the water,"

"Now, I was being nice to even come out here knowing that pigs were going to be roaming around and in the water and if you think I am getting in that water, you have lost all your good sense."

"Babe please. Why do I always have to convince you first. Why can't you just do it. You always have so much fun anyway."

"Fine only because you are soooo convincing" she dragged.

"Okay, now let me rub lotion on those thighs of yours."

Miranda moved off of Ben and he got up so she could lay back. He lifted her right leg up and Ben to put sunscreen in his hand before applying it to her.

"The erotic V is tonight." Ben assured her looking at her legs he raised.

Miranda raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Uh you are so-" she couldn't even finish her words as she giggled. "Okay," she agreed. She was down for whatever with him.

Ben finished up and stared at Miranda. "Just give me 10 mintues laying up here and then I will join you,"

"10 mintues Miranda,"

"I love you alls relationship," Kim told her as she laid on the chair next to hers.

"Thanks," Miranda smiled.

"So, clearly we all know what you two were up to last night," Kim added wiggling her eyebrow.

Miranda blushed and covered her face. "I'm really sorry about that. I was trying to keep it down but he wasn't having that."

"Sounds like the sex is great,"

Miranda looked over at Paige. She didn't want to brag about her and Ben because others would want to try him and she wasn't having that.

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