Nome Alaska, January 25 1925

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(scene opens to both pups landing in a pile of snow)

Gasket and Chase: Oof! (both crawl out of the snow)

Chase: (looks around) (confused) Where are we?

Gasket: (looks at her time travel belt) Hm? I wonder? (presses a button) Cause a timeline map to appear) (surprised) Whoa!

Chase: (looks back) Whoa! What is that?

Gasket: (chuckles) Looks like these time travel belts came with a map of time! (smiles) Very nice addition Mason!

Chase: Does it say where we went?

Gasket: (looks closer) Says here we're in Nome Alaska, January 25 1925!

Chase: Whoa!

Gasket: Looks like we actually wound up here like that boy wanted! (looks closer) (curiously) What's this serum run?

Chase: Whoa! We're far back in time to be around for that!

Gasket: What's that about?

Chase: (explains what Ryder told him about the serum run to Gasket)

Gasket: (gasps) Whoa! That's something majorly important!

Chase: (nods) It sure is! Lucky for us we just have to wait a few hours!

(time travel belts glitch before the time jump feature shuts down)

Chase: What happened?

Gasket: Looks like these belts ran out of power!

Chase: What? How could they, these were said to be magical?

Gasket: No idea, but we'd better find a place to stay until we can come up with something!

Chase: (sighs) You're right!

(the twosome walk into Nome where people are worried about the illness plaguing the youth)

Gasket: (sniffling) That's so sad!

Chase: I never seen this side of you, Gasket!

Gasket: (blushing) I'm not heartless, (looks at the medical building) (tearful) also I don't want poor little kids to die!

Chase: (nods) I feel the same about not wanting any of them to lose their lives!

Sound: (stomach growling)

Chase: (sighs) I wish we had some food!

Gasket: (curiously) I wonder? (pressed a button which summons pup food for two) (chuckles) Looks like these might still work a little!

Chase: (surprised) Whoa!

Gasket: What are you waiting for, let's eat!

Chase: But we don't know how much food there is?

Gasket: (shrugs) Better than nothing!

Chase: True but we should really ration it!

(scene change to the two hiding under a building to stay warm)

Chase: (shivers) It's still cold out here!

Gasket: (sighs) I have an idea to keep you warm, but this stays between us!

Chase: What's that?

Gasket: I just need to lay on you so we can share body heat!

Chase: (blushes) I guess, if that's okay with you!

Gasket: (blushes) Just don't make me regret this!

(scene changes to Chase with Gasket on him with their bellies against each other)

Gasket x Chase Love Across TimeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora