"L-" She was about to say his name before he cut her off, his jaw set tightly as anger flooded his features.

"Don't say my name." He warned, making her suddenly remember where they were. Right, another rule of the fight club - don't use names. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Truth was, Luke was extremely stressed out about this fight. He had been put up against a guy he knew he had practically no chance of beating. Even though he knew that was his own doing, it didn't ease his nerves. And now, CJ's in the club by herself - just to make it all better. Even if Luke didn't particularly like the girl, he didn't like to see someone like her being alone in a place like this. It was bound to be a disaster. He obviously would have never approached any other girl that way - but this one knew his friend so he felt like he had a free pass.

"None of your business." CJ felt like her answer was a little childish but how was she supposed to tell him that their conversation made her rethink everything she thought she had figured out about herself? That she needed to come here on her own tonight to prove to herself that she really did like this place?

Luke rolled his eyes, "There's no way you're stupid enough to come here on your own." He muttered under his breath, not sure if he meant for her to hear him or not. But she did.

"Fuck you." She retracted her arm out of his grip, preparing to turn around and walk away from the blond boy. From behind her, he shook his head and grab her arm again.

"Fine, fine. Stay here for all I care." He turned her around so she would face him. The boy leaned down, their faces only a few centimetres away as he whispered loud enough for her to hear, "But don't come crying to me when something happens because you came alone and was too stubborn to listen to me." Luke let go of his grip on her arm and walked away from the girl, never looking back.

She huffed, looking around her. She could feel the eyes of the men nearby burning into her, making a shiver run up her spine - and not the good kind. She bit her lip, shaking her head as she started walking in Luke's direction. She followed behind him silently, figuring he'd lead her to Calum and Ashton.

Luke knew she was behind him, a smirk pulling on his lips as he figured he won the argument. So he lead the way back to his room where Ashton and Calum were already waiting for him. Neither of them knew of their conversation at the party, Luke refused to tell them about it. He walked in the room with CJ following closely behind him, her head hung low.

"CJ!" Ashton exclaimed happily, walking over to greet her with a hug. CJ greeted him back, a smile appearing on her lips as she greeted Calum with a wave. Calum returned the greeting before glancing back at his phone from his seat on the couch. Ashton brought her over to the couch so she could sit with them while they waited for Luke's fight. "How come you're alone?"

"'Cause she's stupid." Luke muttered from the other side of the room, bent down to grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge. Ashton glared at him shortly before returning his attention to the girl.

"Kind of felt like it." She answered, a light blush colouring her cheeks. In retrospect, it was stupid to come here alone. But she wasn't about to let Luke know he was right. He was a dick who didn't deserve to get his ego boosted more than it already was.

"Well, you're welcome to come and sit with us anytime you want. We're always here." Ashton told her with a smile on his face while Luke rolled his eyes, pacing around the room.

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